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General Information

Name: David Hickey

Internship Hours: 32 hrs/wk
Internship placement: OPT Physical Therapy
Internship Supervisor: Eric Isenberg
Internship Title: PT Aide
OPT Physical Therapy was a very prevalent business that assisted
many of the athletes in my area, and even helped me get back on my
feet after sustaining a couple injuries. My recollection of treatment was
very positive, enjoying both the interactions from the staff at the clinic
as well as receiving undeniable benefits from treatment. Because of
my previous experience as well as the incredible reputation and
success of the business, I arranged an interview with Don Levine
(owner) and Eric Isenberg (internship supervisor). Thankfully they
welcomed me into the Opt family and secured my internship. I
accepted the internship so readily because I was very intrigued by the
amount of athletic injuries they deal with, and not just overcoming
injuries associated with age. In addition to the rehabilitation the clinic
performs, they also provide athletic improvement programs for in
season athletes. The internship provided me opportunities to
experience both of these, which was well beyond my expectations of
an internship.
Professional Objectives
Objective: Create an exercise plan for strength/agility camps
Observe current exercise
Objective: Cue athletes to proper exercise form
Observe exercise demonstration
Perform exercises and receive critique
Objective: Evaluate new patient on current status and develop patient
Accompany PT during patient evaluation
Understand functional tests performed during evaluation
Objective: Develop exercises through treatment for patient
Understand scope and difficulty of exercises
Observe other patients progressions
Consult PT as to which exercises to add/discontinue
Objective: Comprehend as demonstrate rehabilitation exercises

Study exercise bank at clinic
Perform and receive critique on performance
Duties Include
Clinic Maintenance
Interpersonal Skill development
Exercise comprehension/demonstration
Patient Care
Communication with Therapists regarding patient status
Evaluation Methods
Supervision by therapist and aide
Feedback on exercise instruction
Testing exercise demonstration/knowledge
Verbal evaluations/suggestions regarding performance of duties
and presence in the workplace
University evaluation forms
Expected Workdays
Monday-Thursday 8am-12pm
Monday-Friday 2pm-5pm
Saturday 7:30am-11:30am
Conditionally Tuesday & Friday 5pm-7pm
Hours may occasionally fluctuate due to workload/demand
Start Date: February 3-End Date: May 7 to add up to at least 416

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