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Abdullahi Iftin

Thomas Hansen


This class was interesting to me because I was able to learn to about the stages of life
since birth. The course focuses on the connection between humans and psychology. I enjoyed
talking about the memory; I learned about how our brain and memory works and how it changes
as we age. It is said in our late adult hood that the brain shrinks about 10 percentage, it becomes
smaller. We did couple different kinds of assignment that were meaningful to me but the best one
of all was the signature assignment.
The one skill that I mastered in the class was note taking. I was able to understand how
to correctly put together strong notes. In the course we took a lot of notes and they were well
organized which helped me on the exam. The class taught me how to strengthen my note taken
skills, I was able to keep up with the lectures because I had my notes to look over outside of
class. Taking notes was the key for me and it has helped me get through the semester.
The note taking skill that I learned to master in the course helped me on my signature
assignment. The signature assignment required to watch a movie and write an essay, so I was
able to use these skills and take good quality notes while watching the movie which allowed me
to understand the movie better and helped me write my essay for the signature assignment. I was
able to use the same note taking strategy in my PTA-1010 class, reading the textbook was a lot of

information so I took good notes to help me know the material that was talked about in the bank.
I am glad I was able to master these skill because it made me a better student.

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