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From Science

to Operations
Questions, Choices and Strategies
for Success in Biopharma

From Science
to Operations
Questions, Choices and Strategies
for Success in Biopharma

Ralf Otto
Alberto Santagostino
Ulf Schrader

For more information please contact


The beauty and the beast: A perspective on biopharmaceuticals

Ralf Otto, Alberto Santagostino, Ulf Schrader

19 From science to operations: Questions, choices, and strategies for

success in biopharma
Martin Lsch, Ralf Otto, Alberto Santagostino, Ulf Schrader

The challenges of biopharma operations

25 Time for a new prescription: Adapting to the complexity of
biopharma operations
Ralf Otto, David Keeling, Akira Sugahara
36 Never ending innovation: Strong biopipeline feeds future growth
Philip Ma, Ralf Otto, David J. Quigley
43 The rise of biosimilars: Navigating the distinctive path to market
Martin Lsch, Ralf Otto, Jorge Santos da Silva, Jehee Suh
61 Autologous for the people: Overcoming manufacturing and supply
chain constraints in cell therapy
Charlotte Fay Karsa, Rachel Moss, Jens Nrtershuser,
Alberto Santagostino

Strategic choices for biopharma players

75 Going global: High-performing biopharma networks
Augusto Goncalves, Henrik Jrck Nielsen, Ralf Otto, Ulf Schrader
87 The China surprise: Biomanufacturing powerhouse of the future?
Franck Le Deu, Alberto Santagostino, Jehee Suh
99 Two tigers setting the pace in Asia: Singapore and South Korea
Matthias Evers, Alberto Santagostino, Jehee Suh, Marco Ziegler
103 In search of capacity: The evolving biopharma contract-
manufacturing market
Karsten Dalgaard, Wolf-Christian Gerstner
115 Riding the new wave: The evolution of technical development in the
era of biopharmaceuticals
Kasper Jahn, Vidyadhar Ranade, Alberto Santagostino, Tobias Silberzahn

131 The biopharmaceutical facility of the future: Putting three paradigmshifting technologies to work
Nate Beyor, Ted Fuhr, Paul Rutten, Alberto Santagostino
147 Biopharma supply chains: Facing the challenges
Konrad W. Bauer, Peter De Boeck, Thomas Ebel

Excellence in execution
161 Time for action: Benchmarking unveils impressive
performance variance
Kasper Jahn, David Keeling, Ralf Otto, Alberto Santagostino
175 Beyond cost-cutting: The many other benefits of lean
Dannielle Appelhans, Ralf Otto, Lorenzo Positano, Rainer Ulrich
187 Breaking the paradigm: A structured methodology for
biomanufacturing yield improvement
Eric Auschitzky, David Keeling, Ralf Otto, Alberto Santagostino
193 Becoming a launch powerhouse: Understanding the drivers of
launch excellence
Hemant Ahlawat, Giulia Chierchia, Paul van Arkel
202 Launch excellence: Everything depends on flawless operations
Ralf Otto, Adam Sabow, Marco Ziegler
209 Putting quality first: Setting priorities in a holistic site transformation
Ted Fuhr, Ralf Otto, Paul Rutten, Vanya Telpis

219 Quo vadis biopharma: Imagine tomorrow
Ralf Otto, Alberto Santagostino, Ulf Schrader

Contact and References

226 Authors
229 McKinsey on biopharma operations
230 Selected McKinsey offices

As this book shows very clearly, the technical and business complexity of
biopharma is increasing all the time. As a result, the interconnectedness
between different players in the life sciences ecosystem is becoming ever more
important to efficient and successful drug development and commercialization.
To provide tools, expertise, and improved patient access, disease foundations
and patient advocacy groups should be strategically partnering with both academia and industry across all stages of drug discovery, launch, and manufacture.
The FDA has piloted several new programs to work more closely with patients
and drug developers, manufacturers and payors are being consulted earlier in the
development process to address patient access and reimbursement.
Many biopharmas have established strategic relationships both at academic
centers and with start-ups through corporate ventures. As complexity in the
science and business of drug discovery, launch, and manufacturing operations
continues to rise, these kinds of relationship will play a critical role: accelerating
the speed and increasing the probability of successfully bringing new treatment
to patients.

Gail Maderis
CEO of BayBio (a nonprofit company that supports the life science community)

Over the past 30 years cell-culture technology has moved into the
mainstream of the biopharma world. Now an established science,
cell-culture-derived medicines have treated more than 40 million patients, often
with novel products that could not have been delivered in any other way. The
technology has proved to be both safe and versatile, and it continues to yield
new approaches to unmet medical needs.
Significant operational challenges await, however. The industry must learn to
manage the development, launch, and ongoing production of larger and ever
more complex product portfolios. Access to talent threatens to become a
significant bottleneck. Growing global demand is stretching production and
distribution footprints. And both established and emerging markets are becoming
increasingly sensitive to the cost of healthcare provision. This book provides a
comprehensive overview of the choices, challenges, and strategic opportunities
facing the biopharma industry today. Critically, it encompasses both the next
steps in the evolution of established technologies, like mAbs, and the emergence
of new ones, like cell and gene therapies. That matters, because even as they
tackle todays challenges, biopharma executives must always be looking
ahead to tomorrows opportunities.

Dr. Hansjrg Hauser

Chairman, ESACT
Helmholtz-Zentrum fr Infektionsforschung
Abteilungsleiter Wissenschaftliche Strategie

Dr. Alain Bernard

Scientific Advisor, ESACT
VP Tech Ops Governance, Prioritization and Science liaison

The beauty and the

beast: A perspective on
Ralf Otto, Alberto Santagostino, Ulf Schrader

Biopharmaceuticals are increasingly revolutionizing medical treatment

and are set to become the core of the pharmaceutical industry.
But achieving the next phase of their potential will require a further
revolution, not only in the laboratory but also in strategy, technology,
and operations.

Biopharmaceuticals are among the most sophisticated and elegant

achievements of modern science. The huge, complex structures
of these drugs dont just look extraordinary in the 3-D modeling
systems used to design them, they also perform their jobs remarkably
well, offering high efficacy and few side effects. That the biopharma
industry exists at all is testament to the persistence and effectiveness
of the scientific community. And those scientists and engineers rely in
turn on access to tools of a power and sophistication that would have
been unthinkable a generation ago: from computer systems capable
of modeling complex molecules, to fast, inexpensive DNA sequencing
capabilities leading to in-depth understanding beyond the genome to
the proteome and metabolome.
The story of biopharmaceuticals is one of extraordinary success,
and it is only just beginning. Early blood and tissue processing
resulted in products that still play a critical role in public health, like
clotting factors and heparin, which helped to address hemophilia and
thrombosis, respectively. If anything, the revolution driven by vaccines
was even more important, saving countless lives through prevention
rather than treatment and eradicating serious diseases. Now, the
industry has moved into the era of recombinant proteins, pioneered by
agonistic replacement therapies like the recombinant insulins. Another


class of recombinant proteinsmonoclonal antibodies (mAbs)has become

a mainstream technology today, tackling previously untreatable diseases like
cancers and autoimmune inflammatory conditions.
There is even more to come. The existing treatment archetypes are evolving and
becoming more sophisticated all the time (e.g., conjugates, fab fragments), and
continuing research is yielding entirely new types of products. Radically new
concepts are making it to the market, like the cell therapy Provenge against
cancer and, somewhat further out, gene therapies (e.g., Kynamro, an antisense
oligonucleotide) with even more amazing promises of regenerative medicine or
disease remission.

Technical challenges
These new products have created their own operational and technological
challenges. Reproducing large molecules reliably at an industrial scale requires
manufacturing capabilities of a previously unknown sophistication. A molecule of
aspirin (chemical) consists of 21 atoms. A biopharmaceutical molecule (protein)
might contain anything from 2,000 (interferons) to 25,000 (mAbs) atoms. The
machines that produce recombinant therapeutics are genetically modified living
cells that must be frozen for storage, thawed without damage, and made to
thrive in the unusual environment of a reaction vessel. The molecules must then
be separated from the cells that made them and the media in which they were
produced, all without destroying their complex, fragile structures (Exhibit 1).
All this sophistication comes at great cost. Large-scale biotech manufacturing
facilities are expensive: $200 million to $500 million or more (compared with a
similar-scale small-molecule facility that might cost just $30 million to $100 million), and they are time-consuming to build (four to five years). These facilities are
costly to run too, with long process durations, low yields, expensive raw materials, and, not least, the need for a team of highly skilled experts to operate them.
The rapid growth and increasing importance of the industry are producing a new
set of challenges and opportunities. To keep pace, biopharma players will have
to revisit and fundamentally reassess many of the strategies, technologies, and
operational approaches they currently use.

From science to operations

The beauty and the beast: A perspective on biopharmaceuticals


Exhibit 1
Copying biopharmaceuticals is not a simple task
(21 atoms)

(about 3,000 atoms)

(about 25,000 atoms)

(about 20

(about 3,000

Business jet (about

30,000 pounds, without

Size of 3


Relative cost of
development and complexity
Note: The molecules are to scale; the objects are not

Beauty: Success breeds success

The opportunity in biopharmaceuticals is already big and is growing too rapidly
to ignore. Biopharmaceuticals today account for revenues of $163 billion, making
up approximately 20 percent of the global pharma market. The segment is by far
the fastest growing part of the pharma industry: its current annual growth rate of
more than 8 percent is more than twice that of conventional pharma, and growth
is expected to continue at that rate for the foreseeable future.
The efficacy and safety of biopharmaceutical products, combined with their
ability to address previously untreatable conditions, allows pharma companies to
command high prices for innovative drugs. Strong demand has driven significant
profits, despite the high cost of goods sold (COGS). Biopharmaceuticals have
set new standards for blockbuster drugs as well. Blockbusters are traditionally
defined as drugs that earn $1 billion or more in annual sales; the top 15 biopharma products each enjoy annual revenues of more than $2 billion, with some,
like the anti-inflammatory drug Humira, earning more than $10 billion per year.
For many players, the key challenge has been simply making enough product to


Exhibit 2
Many large pharmaceutical companies are shifting their
presence to biopharma
Change in percentage of revenues from biopharma 2000-2012, ppt





Eli Lilly

Bayer- Johnson

















2012 total revenue percentage of biopharma






Source: EvaluatePharma (November 2012)

sell. Logically, major pharmaceutical companies across the world are increasingly
shifting their R&D and sourcing focus to large-molecule products (Exhibit 2).
Investing in biotech R&D has yielded better returns than the pharma industry
average. The current biologics development pipeline supports an outlook of continued healthy growth. The number of biotech patents applied for every year has
been growing at 25 percent annually since 1995. There are currently more than
1,500 biomolecules undergoing clinical trials, and the success rate for biologics
has so far been over twice that of small-molecule products, with 11.5 percent of
biopharma products that pass the Phase I trial stage going on to launch.
The success of the clinical pipeline will lead to an unprecedented number of new
molecule launches, rising from a handful a few years ago to 10 to 15 per year as
biopharma products make up an increasing share of new FDA approvals in the
future. A further steep increase is to be expected as multiple players begin to
receive approval for the production of biosimilars after 2015.
If anything, the emerging picture of the longer term is even more exciting, with
disruptive innovations like immunotherapies, antibody drug conjugates, and gene

From science to operations

The beauty and the beast: A perspective on biopharmaceuticals

and cell therapies all making progress toward commercial launch in the next few
years. Biopharma looks poised to transform the industry once more, as increasing understanding of the interaction between drugs and the genetic makeup
of patients helps to improve the targeting of therapies. Combined with robust,
low-cost genetic profiling, this knowledge will improve treatment outcomes and
serve to accelerate and improve the outcomes of clinical trials, helping to reduce
the cost of drug development.

The beast: Cost, complexity, and regulatory scrutiny

As biopharma moves from the scientific frontier into the business mainstream,
the industry will increasingly be forced to confront the same challenges faced by
other businesses: maintaining competitiveness by ensuring affordability, quality,
and delivery performance. And the necessary level of performance in each of
these dimensions is likely to become considerably more demanding.
Demand for affordability and improved access to care will reshape industry
Downward cost pressure will intensify as health-care systems struggle to balance
rising demand with flat or declining budgets. In this environment, payers may find
it difficult to justify the annual treatment costs of $50,000 to $100,000 that some
biopharma products currently demand. It is hard to imagine that these price
premiums will be sustainable for any but the most innovative drugs. Furthermore,
governments in emerging markets understand the critical role that biopharma
will play in boosting health-care outcomes, and they are aggressively supporting
alternative ways to fulfill demand for these products.
The result of these pressures will be the inevitable development of the biosimilars
industry. The availability of biosimilar versions of human growth hormones and
interferons has already opened access to these products to a far larger number
of patients. As patent protection on more complex biopharmaceuticals expires,
biosimilars will surely follow the same path.
Early regulatory and customer concern is already being overcome. In June 2013,
for example, the European Union approved Remsima, Celtrions biosimilar version
of the mAb Remicade. In emerging markets, where consumers are able to access
products only if they are available at considerably lower prices, enthusiasm for
biosimilars is likely to be even stronger. The biosimilars industry has the potential
to change the commercial landscape as profoundly as generics players have



done in conventional pharma. Pressure from biosimilars will force the innovators
to accelerate the search for better products, and will increase pressure on the
industry as a whole to reduce its COGS.
Complexity will become a significant hurdle
As the number of products rises and new process technologies, such as continuous manufacturing, are introduced, the complexity of biopharma operations
and the biopharma supply chain will increase. Evidence indicates that current
production programs are already stretching the industry, with several players
failing to deliver to the market. This challenge will only increase as sites move
from the current one line, one product setup toward nimble and flexible multiple
product operations and are required to manage both current and future technologies under one roof.
Supply chain complexity has to be brought under control
The high premium on biopharmaceutical products and the relatively smaller share
of revenues they have historically accounted for in big pharmaceutical companies
have led to industrywide challenges in the supply chain. Complexity, cost, and
service levels are currently far from small-molecule best practices, even considering the additional complexity of cold-chain requirements.
Many more manufacturing technology platforms will come online
The new classes of molecules discussed above, from drug conjugates to
the cell and gene therapies arriving in the next five years, will each require its
own novel manufacturing, supply, and quality assurance approaches. Today,
many companies that are insourcing these products in the late clinical or early
commercialization phase are struggling to set up the novel technologies and
processes required to produce them. Making the right decision about how to set
up operations for an autologous cell therapy is a nonobvious exercise, and there
will naturally be many suboptimal solutions before sufficient experience is built.
Quality compliance will increasingly keep the industry on its toes
Quality functions are struggling to keep up with the rising demands of regulators,
with the US Food and Drug Administration at head of the list. The industry has
received an unprecedented number of warning letters and remediation programs

From science to operations

The beauty and the beast: A perspective on biopharmaceuticals

in the last five years, and the scrutiny is unlikely to decrease. Furthermore, the
increasing relevance of global markets (beyond the United States, European
Union, and Japan) is adding the complexity of multiple quality standards and
regulatory regimes. Compliance, robustness of processes, and efficiency will
need to be squared in one equation.

Strategy, technology, and operations: All set to change

The aforementioned trends will fundamentally reshape the industry.
Biopharmaceuticals will be the realm of innovators not only in medicine and
process sciences but also in operations. The changes will not be the same for
everyone; a variety of business archetypes will coexist in the industry, and their
strategies and success factors will differ in important ways.
Global innovators will have to drive product innovation in order to continue to
command premium prices, shifting the frontier of technology and exploring new
operational setups (such as the design and deployment of their future network).
Biosimilars players will have to focus on cost, quality, and scale. For them, speed,
process innovation, and operational excellence are must-win battles. Players
based in emerging-market nations will have to find their own niches with the right
operational and quality performance to make the best use of privileged access
to, and knowledge of, their local markets. Contract manufacturing organizations
(CMOs) will have to be at the leading edge of process innovation and operational
efficiency, while retaining or building a spotless reputation for service and
performance. Beyond these generic player archetypes, a detailed view of its own
strategic position will be pivotal for each company, which will need to ask itself
what it stands for in the market and what it needs to do in order to win.
Whatever their competitive niche, companies must continually evolve both their
manufacturing technologies and their operational capabilities. Technologies are
not yet sufficiently mature to rely only on operational improvement to drive quality
and productivity up and cost down. Nor will technological improvements alone be
sufficient to do those things.
We believe that the biopharmaceutical companies best positioned to succeed
in tomorrows market will be those that master a broad set of technical and
operational capabilities. Decisions that companies are making today will have a
critical influence on that success for two important reasons:



Operational excellence is a hard-won skill. Capabilities such as lean,

agile, and efficient manufacturing require sustained effort and commitment
to develop and hard-wire into the organization.
Decisions made today will affect companies competitive positions
years or even decades into the future. This is particularly true in areas
such as footprint design and the choice of core manufacturing technologies.
A full discussion of all the technical and operational decisions facing biopharma
companies today and in the coming years is beyond the scope of this article, but
here is an overview of some of the most important considerations:
Reduction of operating cost across manufacturing and quality by methodically adopting lean practices (e.g., eliminating waste, improving labor and
asset efficiency) and improving process technology (including possible
change controls and regulatory approvals); finding new ways to improve the
performance of the production process from titer increases in expression
systems, to purification improvement and process stabilization
Improvements in operational agility and equipment utilization to increase
manufacturing-site capacity for individual molecules by debottlenecking
existing assets, introducing the ability to run multiple products in fewer lines,
and improving the industrys readiness to respond quickly to the needs of a
volatile marketall without compromising quality
Capacity expansion, which may encompass decisions on risk taking for
postponement of asset deployment, capital expenditure efficiency, and
adoption of new technologies (such as the design of flexible facilities based
on stainless steel, disposables, or hybrid systems to suit specific product
and market conditions)
The right make-or-buy decisions, as biopharma CMOs become increasingly
capable and available, forcing companies to reevaluate where their core
operational skills should lie and how they will ensure the cost, quality, and
availability of those they choose to outsource
Definition of the manufacturing footprintthat is, building, or acquiring,
a strong, competitive network with the right suppliers, manufacturing
plants, and distribution capabilities to balance cost, service, and customer

From science to operations

The beauty and the beast: A perspective on biopharmaceuticals

acceptance; in particular, a presence in emerging markets and the associated cost, regulatory, and market-access implications need to be considered
with great care
Improving efficiency in the supply chain, to manage inventory, distribution
logic, and the complexities of the cold chain
Streamlining the introduction of new products and new technology platforms, to support the ambition of pushing a far greater number of molecules
through technical development and manufacturing launch
Deployment of a high-performing organization with access to talent capable
of handling these challenges, and the new ones that will inevitably emerge in
such a rapidly evolving environment

The prize for organizations that do master these operational challenges will be
far more significant than just short-term competitive advantage. Many of the
next major opportunities for biotech will require companies to develop new and
different technologies and operating models. Todays actions will shape companies readiness to grasp these opportunities as they come to fruition.
At one end of the scale, for example, the industry must develop the capabilities
to quickly and reliably produce the small batches of fully personalized medicines
required to deliver cell therapies. At the other, it needs the high-volume, lowcost manufacturing capabilities necessary to deliver inexpensive insulin and
vaccines against diseases like malaria that take so many lives today in low- and
middle-income countries. Between these two extremes, companies will need
to accelerate the development and commercialization of new molecules to
allow a broader range of illnesses to be addressed, and they must reduce
manufacturing costs, improve quality, and build capacity to broaden access to its
life-changing products.
Only through a combination of strong science and deep operational excellence
will the biopharma industry be able to fulfill its real potential to transform the
health expectations of millions of people across the globe, successfully navigating
both the beauty and the beast inherent in the sector.



Copyright by Boehringer Ingelheim Biopharmaceuticals GmbH


From science to
operations: Questions,
choices, and strategies for
success in biopharma
Martin Lsch, Ralf Otto, Alberto Santagostino, Ulf Schrader

In 2016, eight of the worlds ten top-selling medicines will be

biopharmaceutical products, in 2000, just one biopharmaceutical
ranked among the top ten. And the full pipeline of biomolecules in
clinical development shows that there is much more to come. For
an industry that is less than three decades old, the growth and
success of biopharma have been remarkable. Yet this revolution is
only just beginning. Recombinant proteins led the way, but other,
entirely new technologiesfrom cell therapies to genome editing
are rapidly reaching maturity. They bring with them the promise of
treatments, even cures, for many of humanitys most difficult and
damaging diseases.

This book isnt about the next disruptive scientific innovation in

biopharma, however. It is about another revolution altogether, one that
the sector is only now beginning to tackle, and one that McKinsey
believes will require just as much creativity, energy, and commitment.
This book is about biopharmas industrial revolution.
If biopharma is to fulfill its extraordinary potentialfor the pharmaceutical industry and for society at largeits products must move from
their current profitable niches into the mainstream. And to do that,
the industry must overcome challenges of cost, quality, complexity,
and scale.
In this book, we look at those challenges, to see where the industry
stands today, where it needs to go, and why it is imperative that


biopharma players make some fundamental choices about that journeytoday.

Although biopharma leaders have always relied on their strong scientific background to drive business operations, they now need to master the leadership
skills to manage change and drive innovation in a global operations setting at full
industrial scale. Their scientific curiosity will help them as they transform lessons
learned in other industries into biopharma-specific solutions.
The industrial revolution in biopharma will be unique because the industry is like
no other. Biopharmaceutical products are hugely complex, consisting of tens of
thousands of atoms (compared with the 10 to 50 atoms in a chemical pharmaceutical molecule), and dependent on difficult engineering at the macromolecular
level. And the processes needed to build those products arent just complex,
they are also diverse. The techniques used in the production of mammalian
antibodies bear little resemblance to the viral vectors used to inject new DNA
in autologous cell therapies, for example. That means know-how gained in the
development of one manufacturing platform is of little help in the development of
another and that the relative maturity of different approaches varies greatly today.
Further, this complexity is not contained within factory walls. Biopharma products
are delicate and need careful handling in storage, transportation, and use.
Their fragility, together with the increasingly personalized nature of new types of
treatment, means that the supply chains and services used to deliver them at
scale will also look very different from conventional health-care approaches.
This complexity and diversity mean there will be no such thing as a general
biopharma player. Instead, companies in the sector are making difficult strategic
choices about the product categories and parts of the value chain in which they
want to participate. Access to key technologies and capabilities is also driving
make-or-buy decisions, with many companies choosing to outsource activities
not because they dont want to do them, but because they cant.
Choosing where to play wont be the same as winning there. Access to new
markets, and sustained competitiveness in established ones, calls for dramatic
reductions in manufacturing and distribution costs: in some cases from todays
levels of thousands of dollars per dose to ten dollars or less. The evolution of
manufacturing technologies will play a role here, but companies are also striving
to execute with greatly improved quality, efficiency, and flexibility. McKinseys
research has shown that operating performance in todays biopharma sector
is highly inconsistent. To fulfill its potential, the whole industry will aim to close

From science to operations

From science to operations: Questions, choices, and strategies for success in biopharma

the performance gap with todays leaders, and tomorrows leaders will learn to
achieve the same sustainable, year-on-year performance improvements that have
transformed other industries.
Each of these themes is explored in greater detail through the rest of this book. In
The challenges of biomanufacturing operations, we look at the fundamental and
growing differences between biopharmaceuticals and chemical pharmaceuticals,
beyond therapeutic proteins to the next generation of technology platforms, and
at the implications of the emerging biosimilars market.
In Strategic choices for biopharma players, we examine the importance of
structural design to the performance of biopharma operations and the structural
choices that companies face as they seek to maximize effectiveness. We explore
the evolution of the biopharmaceutical value chain, including the development of
manufacturing networks and the rising importance of effective technical-development and product-launch processes. We assess the new biomanufacturing
process technologies coming into play and their implications for the facilities of
the future. We also explore the increasingly significant role of contract manufacturing organizations and the changing nature of the supply chain, particularly in
the context of the emerging Asian biomanufacturing powerhouses.
Finally, in Excellence in execution, we look at current and future performance
expectations for biopharma players: the need to improve the transparency of
current performance with industry benchmarks and the pressure to transform
quality, productivity, and flexibility. We then discuss the approaches that will
enable such a change, from the sustainable transformation of operational
performance using lean methodologies, to how a structured approach can reveal
the underlying causes of process yield variability to deliver a radical step change
in technical performance.
We hope the content we have gathered here will serve as inspiration to leaders
across the biopharma sector. This industry has proved that it is not scared of
the most formidable scientific problems. Now, it is time to find novel solutions for
some of the worlds toughest operational challenges too.


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