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Prabodhan HR Club

DoMS, IIT Madras

Quiz 1

1. Which internationally acclaimed

Indian movie has been included as a
case study for 'Human Behavior at
Work' by Indian Institute of
Management, Indore?

2. Name the personality who

introduced the concept of
'Bureaucracy' in 1922?

3. Elton Mayo, one of the pioneers in

human behavior studies, called the
assumptions of McGregor as "Rabble
Hypothesis". What are they?

Theory X & Theory Y

4. Scott Adams gave this principle via

a cartoon strip
Companies tend to systematically
promote their least-competent
employees to management
(generally middle management), in
order to limit the amount of damage
they are capable of doing

Dilbert principle

5. What is known as 'Great man


Leaders are born not made

6. In an organisation if your feedback

is like PIGS, what does it denotify?

Positive, Immediate, Graphic,


7. What is this principle called?

"managers rise to the level of their

Peters Principle

8. Who gave theory - 'Hierarchy of

Human Needs'?

Abraham Maslow

9. How do we better know the

employment agencies and executive
recruiters who locate suitable

Head Hunters

10. "The dirty bastards are back again.

This line allegedly marks an important event
in the history of sports and business.
The misunderstanding caused by this line led
to a rift between two brothers who went on to
form their very special companies.
What are the companies?

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