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It’s about the graphic representation of places and transport.

What it all about?

How our sensing of locations and the meanings we attach to
materials, artefacts, other people and information influences
our movements.

For me it starts with places. Not everywhere is a place - we’ve all been to anonymous
urban centres and felt bewildered. The determinants of places are the special, the
different, the groovy and even the grand. Occasionally place comes from the natural and
hard environment alone but most of the times we need interpretation- names, signs,
logos and maps. We don’t always notice them, but this and other place information adds
richness and humanity to the spaces we travel through. We should value the (mainly)
silent work they do for us more. After all, we’d be lost without them.

Expect to see discussions on names, signage, maps, identity, livery, logos and
sustainable and not so sustainable transport

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