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To whom it may concern,

I have had the pleasure of knowing Analiese Snyder for the past eight years and
have watched her grow into a talented young woman. She has challenged herself in all
areas of her education, not shying away from difficult subjects. She likes an academic
challenge! She applies herself equally in every area of her education, whether it be
music, math, chemistry or French class.
In her Junior year, Analiese got a job at Pizza Hut as a hostess and was a hard
worker, well-liked by her co-workers, had a great work ethic, was reliable and
dependable. She did a good job of balancing her work load and studies for the time she
was employed there.
Analieses passion is music. She starting playing the Clarinet in Sixth Grade and
has enjoyed all aspects of her Music Education. She has participated in Marching
Band, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Solo and Ensemble, Band Festival, Jazz Band,
Jazz Festival, Pep Band at Football and Basketball games and in her Senior year, she
competed at the State Solo and Ensemble competition. She has been in Honors Band
for the past two years and was a part of the Jackson Symphony Youth Orchestra for a
time. Along with the Clarinet she also plays the Bass Clarinet. The highlight of her
musical career so far has been being asked to play the Bass Clarinet at Albion Colleges
Spring Concert.
Analiese is well read and well informed on a variety of subjects and has a
passion for Womens Rights and Eating Disorders. I am confident that she will become
a productive member of society. Analiese is a serious goal-driven person and her
dedication to her studies shows a strength of character that is beyond her years.

Janet Lapp

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