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Inquiry Proposal Topic

My inquiry topic for the rest of the semester would be based on war and terrorism. My inquiry
questions are how do we define terrorism? , How do acts of terror affect us in general (as a
society, country, etc.)? , How do terrorist groups like ISIS operate and hold power? , what would
ISIS do next if we weakened them? All these questions come under the category of war and
terrorism, fall under the theme of violence. I think that all these questions are very well
connected to each other and they describe the step by step process on what terrorism is, how they
come into power, how are they funded, how it affects a country, how they operate, the trauma
that the refuges face living in these war areas, how these refuges fell when they go to other
countries and difficulties they face and what might be ISIS next move if they are weakened.
I would start my research by briefly describing what terrorism is, how these groups come to
power and operate, how it affects a country and what will they do if they are weakened. I will use
sources from internet, books news magazines and other informative sources available to me.
Explaining what terrorism is, how it affects us might not be that difficult to research and explain
as people are well aware of these consequences. As far as how groups like ISIS came to power,
many socialists have given their theories, there are many debatable answers to this question. The
most difficult questions will be like how these groups are funded and operate, what would their
next move be? Because nobody can predict what they have planned next.
I will face many difficulties like the credibility of sources, I will find sources like peer reviewed
articles and research done by trusted people who have spent a lot of time on these topics. I will
not use Wikipedia for any source as it is not trusted as anybody can add and edit the information
on the topics in Wikipedia.

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