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General Information:
Dr. Lielah Barnes
Westlake Community Center
3 sessions: May 2nd, May 9th, and May 16th at 6:30pm
Course Description:
Complementary and Alternative Medicine with a focus of visualization and
guided imagery. Visualization and guided imagery is used as a way of
healing the body without the use of mainstream medications allowing your
mind and body to relax and create a distraction that will allow the natural
healing process of the body.
Course Prerequisites:
Course Objectives:
To obtain the knowledge to perform a guided imagery service on yourself and
To understand the benefits of visualization and guided imagery.
To learn the history and learn about the many successes.
To be able to determine the best time to enforce the healing activity.
Required Materials:
Workbooks (will be given upon entry)
Recommended Materials:
Writing materials for note taking
Notebooks will be graded and certificates given on last day of class.

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