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Nic Seyffert

P. 42 #6
4. Characters
A. Desire Stanley takes what he wants, when he wants it. Booze, Stella, Blanche, if Stanley desires
something, Stanley gets it.
B. Will Stanley has a pretty strong will. Hes willing to go to great lengths to destroy Blanche and
return to the life he had.
C. Moral stance Stanleys morals dont go far from himself. He does what he wants when he wants.
The only time we really get to see his good morals is when he hurts Stella at the end of Act 2 scene 3,
we see him helping her to the hospital.
D. Decorum Stanley does not have a good decorum. Hes very rude, and is angered easily.
E. Adjectives Angry, rash, abusive, commanding, headstrong
F. Character mood intensity at start:
1. Heartbeat: Normal high
2. Perspiration: Heavy
3. Stomach Condition: Normal
4. Muscle tension: High
5. Breathing: Normal
At End
1. Heartbeat: Normal
2. Perspiration: Light
3. Stomach Condition: Normal
4. Muscle Tension: High
5. Breathing: Heavy
A. Desire Stella has a definite sexual desire for Stanley, and she also desires to have a normal life
again, which leads her to picking Stanley in the end.
B. Will Stella has an average will. While she is willing to go to great lengths, she is too afraid to and
C. Moral Stance Stella has a lot of Moral issues. Mostly stemming from her relationship with Stanley
and her relationship to Blanche. She wants to choose Blanche at the end but decides to take what she
thinks is the easier path.
D. Decorum Stella has a great Decorum. Shes very mindful of Blanches state of mind and respects it

from day to day. She also yells at Stanley many times for having a bad decorum.
E. Adjectives Caring, loving, protective, defensive
F. Character mood intensity at start:
1. Heartbeat: Normal
2. Perspiration: Normal
3. Stomach Condition: Normal
4. Muscle Tension: Normal
5. Breathing: Normal
1. Heartbeat: High
2. Perspiration: High
3. Stomach Condition: Bad
4. Muscle Tension: High
5. Breathing: Quick
A. Desire Blanche has a lot of desire. She has a sexual desire, a financial desire, and a desire for a
stable home/life.
B. Will Blanches will is large, and I think shes willing to go to lengths to get something, but her will
is fragile. Her will is in a way connected to her mental state.
C. Moral Stance Blanche tries to get Stella to see how badly Stanley is treating the both of them. She
thinks that Stella deserves better.
D. Decorum Blanche tries to come off as high society, but in reality shes frantic and messy.
E. Adjectives Frantic, unstable, promiscuous, caring, loving, headstrong
F. Character mood intensity at start:
1. Heartbeat: Fast
2. Perspiration: High
3. Stomach Condition: Unstable
4. Muscle Tension: High
5. Breathing: Quick
At End
1. Heartbeat: Quick
2. Perspiration: Normal
3. Stomach Condition: Unstable
4. Muscle Tension: Normal
5. Breathing: Normal
p. 52 #7

While Blanche is telling her story in Act 3 Scene 2, she is manic, while Stanley is completely
calm. As the scene goes on and Stanley continues to remain calm and ignore Blanche, she gets more
and more frustrated and frantic. The tension rises every time Stella stops and looks at Stanley or says
something to try to get Stanley to pay attention. Until at the end of the story when Stella says Mr.
Kowalski is too busy making a pig out of himself to think of anything else! After which Stanley
P. 54 #6 Silent moments
In act 3 scene 2, when Blanche hangs up the phone from trying to call Mitch, there is a silent
moment of Blanche looking around the room. What punctuates this is Blanche after desperately
looking around the room for an escape. After a few moments of this she walks quickly and awkwardly
to the bathroom. It's awkward because she's in a vulnerable state as it is, and then has to walk past
Stella and more importantly, Stanley to get to the Bathroom.
On page 76, while Blanche is telling her parrot story, she pauses after and knew more vulgar
expressions than Mr. Kowalski. During this silence, Blanche and Stanley are on two separate levels.
Blanche is high energy while Stanley is low energy, which adds tension to the scene. What punctuates
the silence is Blanche looking at Stanley to see if he had any reaction, which he did not.
On page 77, after the story Stanley goes into a rage. While in said rage, he throws a mug at the
wall, shattering it, and yells, My place is cleared! You want me to clear your places? After which
there is a silence where Stanley is staring at the women before moving on to the porch. What
punctuates the silence is Stanley, I would imagine leaning over the table, staring angrily at the women.
The look is pure rage, which is the main source of tension.
P. 54 #7
At the start of Act 3 scene 2, Blanche, Stella, and Stanley are sitting around the dinner table and
Tensions are high. Stanley is chewing away at his chop, Blanche is wearing a fake smile while stirring
her drink, and Stella is showing the stress of the situation with her body language and facial
expressions. Stella punctuates the visuals of this silence, because she shows the tension of the scene.
Towards the end of the scene, Stanley is yelling and grabbing at Stella, rough handling her.
After a while of this, Stella is hurt, while Stanley stops and puts on his jacket. Stanley then realizes
what he's done, better late than never, and goes to console her. What punctuates the visuals is Stella's
face while Stanley puts on his jacket. It's clear that he didn't even notice that he was hurting her until
after the fact. And seeing Stella's pain while he ignores it punctuates everything.
p. 46 #4
A Streetcar Named Desire
Desire is what drives the plot of the play. Stanley has desire for power and sex. Stella desires for
everything to go back the way it was, and Blanche has a desire for her sister to be there for her without
p. 46 #5
Nobody was tender and trusting as she was. But people like you abused her, and forced her to
change. (A3S2)
The philosophical statement here is about trust, and what breaking it does do a person. Broken trust is

detrimental to a person's anxiety. After enough people breaking that trust, a person's psych tells them to
never trust anyone, regardless if you know them or not.
Oh I hope candles are going to glow in his life Blanche (3, 2, 78)
Blanche wants a good life for the child, and the candles glowing represent what Blanche doesnt
have, which is happiness.
My element is the earth but it should have been the water Blanche (3, 5, 98)
This represents Blanches Elysium and her graveyard, her graveyard being the earth and her
Elysium being the water.
Yes, a big spider! Thats where I brought my victims. Blanche (3, 3, 85)
Blanche here is referring to the hotel she would use to have sexual relations with strangers,
which she called Victims
P. 46 #6
The idea of the play is that people can be broken down, be it from small or large sources. And we
should respect that and help people that are not mentally stable instead of blaming them for being that
way. Because chances are it was the environment they were in and the people that they encounter.
P. 50 # 4,5
Unit 1: Pre-Story
Mood: Awkward, tense
Image: A wooly mammoth sits across from a Meer cat and its sibling
Unit 2: The Story
Mood: Awkward, higher tension, climbing
Image: A fly buzzes around ears that take no notice
Unit 3: Post-Phone Ringing
Mood: Angry
Image: Sparks swiftly fall upon the pool of oil waiting to explode
Unit 4: Fight
Mood: Angry, explosive
Image: Guns blaze as the medic ducks underneath the stream of explosions
Unit 5: Answers
Mood: Tense
Image: A magnifying glass prepares itself to set fire to ants on the sidewalk
Unit 6: The phone call
Mood: Solemn
Image: The last drip of the icicle drips onto the hot pavement
Unit 7: Baby

Image: The future drags us back on the timeline to place we were once comfortable
Unit 8: Candles
Mood: Sad
Image: As the kingdom released the paper lanterns into the night sky, the lion accepted
its fate
Unit 9: The rise of Blanche
Mood: Angry
Image: The rollercoaster heard its final click before the tipping point
Unit 10: Mac
Mood: Dangerous
Image: With but a feather, the camels back will break under the weight of its load
Unit 11: The ticket
Mood: Helpless
Image: Boxing with brick walls leads to broken hands
Unit 12: Domestic Dispute
Mood: Painful
Image: A toothpick will snap when put under the pressure of an elephant simply walking

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