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Dear Review Committee:

Date, May 4, 2016

I am writing to request that I be considered for a merit pay increase this year. When
I started teaching for the School of Business in the fall of 2010 many of the
networking courses I taught were under enrolled. Over the past three years those
same courses have seen a dramatic increase in enrollments. Even though numbers
are down across the college, my classes are typically filled to capacity and have
retention rates above 90%. Not only are my classes full but Course Evaluations
indicate that most students find them very rewarding. I believe this is due to the
online Virtual Classroom I have implement and continue to develop.
I feel passionately that the way to increase enrollments and student satisfaction is
through innovation and take every opportunity to share this vision with my
colleagues. I have spent many hours of my personal time mentoring instructors in
how to use technology to enhance their classrooms.
In addition to above, I have also contributed the following services to the college.

Presented at the School of Business Jam Session 2016

Conduct faculty training sessions (WebEx) during Professional Develop Days
Manned Career Day booth for CSIS dept 2016
Participate on CSIS hiring committees 2015
Mentor new faculty
Sit on committees
Took online courses in Network Security

Thank you for your time and I hope you will give my application request serious


Ed Walsh
Assistant Professor
Computer Sciences & Information Systems
Salt Lake Community College

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