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World of 7 Billion

Lesson Plan for Mr. Price 3rd period earth science class on the 1st of May,
2016. Instructed by Mark Mitchell

Students should be able to identify the problems with the three main topics:
Deforestation, Public Health, and Water Scarcity

EEn.2.2 Understand how human influences impact the lithosphere.
EEn.2.4 Evaluate how humans use water

4 posters labeled Strongly Agree Agree Disagree and Strongly Disagree
7 Billion - Where do you stand? Statements from PDF
Judging Rubric from World of 7 Billion Website
Powerpoint Presentation on Deforestation, Public Health, and Water Scarcity


To start off with the activity, I will have the students stand in a line across the back wall,
where they will be asked several questions about Deforestation, Public Health, and Water
Scarcity. The students will move to the answer of the given statement, where they will be
asked why they chose the answer. The five answer choices will be Strongly Agree,
Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree

Talking about the three main topics in this lesson (Deforestation, Public Health, and
Water Scarcity) I will show the students a powerpoint that has to deal with these three
ideas. They will be asked to take notes for the activity after the lecture

Students will make a 60 second video talking about one of the three topics discussed in
class. They will be in groups of three and they will identify the problem, and will come
up with a solution. The students will have to cite their sources from the research done to
produce this video. The video will be due on Thursday, May 4th and will be graded on the
5th of May. The video will be graded based on a rubric from World of 7 Billions website

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