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Taylor Monk

St. Sgt. Aguilar
Joined the USMC as private (enlisted) at the age of 21
Has currently served 10 years in the USMC, currently works as local recruiter
Explained opportunities of both NROTC scholarship and PLC scholarship
NROTC (Navy Reserve Officer Corps.): 180k scholarship, full commitment, high dedication,
summer training, minimum 6 years active
PLC (Platoon Leader Class): 180k scholarship, no commitment, medium dedication, unofficial
reserve throughout college
Both programs have 8 to 10 month waiting list currently, MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station)
and PT (Physical Training) required before entrance to list.
If accepted, and program pursued, can apply upon entry of active duty for recon, highly competitive,
screening done beforehand, if accepted sent to recon (sniper) school.
If passed through recon school, qualified technically for MARSOC (Marines Special Operations
Command) but will still need an additional 4 years minimum active duty before considered for
If passed screening for Raiders, will enter MARSOC school at Camp Lejeune, in North Carolina
Upon completion of MARSOC school, will become full-fledged Raider and be assigned to a regiment

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