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My images were taken on the 2/2/16 using a white backround, a camera and

umbrella lights.
Contact sheet double page spread

My model for my
double page
spread and contents page was Sapana who was 16 years old at the time of the
shoot 2/2/16. For my double page spread I wanted to portray my model as a
strong female figure who has recovered from a leg injury, which is why I chose
not to use the first 2 pictures. Even The last picture, although standing up,
looked more cute than powerful which is why I chose the last image which
portrays her as strong and slightly intimidating rather than a smiley
approachable kind figure. I decided to dress her in a stereotypically feminine
black pencil skirt and white top as these colours together suggest power and
purity characteristics I wanted to emphasise. Her hair is also dyed
characteristic of Kpop and is curled to create a wilder look.
Front cover

For my front cover I wanted

my model to be in line with
the male gaze and look
stereotypically cute for a kpop artist. The
expression on her face in the first image is too awkward, the second image is too
close to her face and has a boring background, the third is too serious and stiff,
in the fourth, she is looking from the away from the camera and looks very

cute(it is the image most in line with the male gaze. My model Chaya is also 16
years old, the typical age of a newly debuted girl group member. She, like
Sapana is dressed in black and a shinny white colour to match my colour
scheme. The hat also adds to her stylish look.

Contrasting with Sapana, Chayas image is more of a stereotypical kpop femle,

hence why I chose her for my front cover model.

Contents page

To add to the stylistic elements of my Contents page, I wanted to have Sapna

standing up, to show us what she is wearing, as Kpop has a big affiliation to
fashion. But since I decided to use a image of her standing up for my double
page spread, I decided to add a stylish bag that reinforces her young age for the
contents page. The bag reinforces her age as it resembles that of a school girl.

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