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Rodriguez 1

Alejandra Rodriguez
Professor Adler
Stacc Eng. 1A #32475
04 May 2016

Reflection Essay:
A Personal Reflective Essay Amongst English 1A
Stepping into Pasadena City College for the first time seems like it was just yesterday and I
remember that I would always have had the tendency of over-thinking so much about a certain
thing when it came to reading and writing. It is something that would make me feel horrendous if I
were to make a simple mistake but thankfully this semester seemed to have changed. Now that the
semester is close to an end, it has been quite evident that I have grown as a writer, but as a student
as well, throughout the course. Not everything was as easy as I thought it would be. Throughout this
semester, it was mainly all about creative writing, to developing a deeper understanding within
articles, to analyzing texts critically. Within this essay one will be able to view my coursework,
barriers, and accomplishments that I have obtained in English 1A, this semester.
My class had discussed Dwecks article of fixed and growth mindset for two semesters
straight. It has been really important to me in which has helped me become more of a growth
mindset and less of a fixed mindset person. This spring semester, English 1A class, has helped me
in variety ways as a writer. For example, having the requirement of freewriting at least 10-15
minutes a day in a journal entry, has helped me reflect things and improve my writing. Although I
recap saying that having to freewrite was a waste of time, and that it will not make a difference
when it came to writing. But I was wrong. Having this as a requirement from the professor, were

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one of the most helpful assignments the class could have received. The Norton Field Guide to
Writing with Readings, is something that has been very useful throughout this English course. It
contained many examples that helped me develop a better understanding for my future essays. It
has helped me improve and reflect on my writing, as a learner.
There were still some obstacles in this class that I always had a problem. It was having to
analyze a certain text, especially when it came to poems. I had trouble analyzing the text of
Singing at the Gates by Jimmy Santiago Baca. Never did I think that I would still have trouble
with this, but then again I always have had trouble analyzing poetry, it was my weakness. My
attitude towards this was a negative aspect due to the lack of confidence that I would have. The
rhetorical analysis essay was one that I struggled the most when having to interpret Bacas poems
and critically write a full length version of it, was nerve-racking. Although, I always had others help
me out, especially when my class would have group discussions, and it certainly gave me a better
outcome and helped me develop a better interpretation of the poems. It did not give the result that I
expected. It was one that I felt less confident and I felt that I could have done a little bit better.
Writing has always been a challenge, in which has caused me to struggle a lot. I saw what I
was having the most trouble in when it came to the Discourse Community Ethnography Essay.
Since, it was a research paper that I had to obtain, I knew that it was going to dedicate most of my
and have a complete growth mindset upon it. I had trouble organizing and putting my thoughts
together. Procrastination was not my friend during this research paper. Having peer review, is what
helped me improve on my writing. I had the chance to get their point of view on what needed to be
changed or improved. My classmates would critically critique my writing, but it was for my
knowledge. I generated ideas that made me feel satisfied on all the help I received. I was able to
obtain a grade of an A-, the first A I have received throughout the course of this English course.I

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made sure I spent sufficient time and it sure paid off. I felt proud of myself because I dedicated my
time and had the patience for this research paper, in which I understand that if I were to have done
that for the previous essays, I would have received a higher grade than a B. Although, some essays
tended to not be as easy, I thrived into succeeding.
This English 1A has helped me overcome a variety of barriers. My experience in this class
have helped me become a more sufficient student in and out of school. This class really played a big
role on me learning how to be a more successful student in college. Writing has never been
something that I am best at but this class, thanks to my professor, it has made me understand the
concept and structure of the class thoroughly. I feel more confident now when it comes to writing
because of the practice, peer review, and help I would receive. Qualities such as self-motivation,
and dedicated work ethic are things that have enhanced as a result of me being part this English 1A
class. This class has helped me gain a lot of maturity in such short time. It is really different from
high school English classes. The change is quite drastic since it is more pressure and have to depend
on myself. Thankfully, I have grown as a writer but the acquisition of my maturity is the result of
this class. Enhancing the ability of not being a procrastinator anymore and simply trying to achieve
and do my best within my class. My writing and reading have changed for the better. They have
certainly evolved better than expected. Writing is a powerful tool, when it is used correctly. Skills
that were once weak, are now strong. Being able to write an informative thesis, is not difficult
Furthermore, looking forward into the future as my second year at Pasadena City College, I
am really looking into succeeding and developing my writing skills even more. My goal will be to
endure my writing into making it sound more professional. Using my skills, not only through my
English courses, but all my classes in general. Analyzing is not easy for me, but not impossible

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either. I am going to thrive and overcome more of my barriers in order to get a even better taste of
writing, so it can become less difficult. English 1A has given me confidence in my work, knowing
my professor and classmates wont give up on me as long as they know I am trying my best. I have
improved quite a lot compared to previous semester but again, I would like to spend even more time
writing and developing outstanding essays for the upcoming English course.

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