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Responses to readings/Journal/Discussion Reflection

The reading responses, journals, and discussions were all important to the flow of our
course this semester. Each assignment connected, in some way, to the inquiry project, whether it
be through helping me understand the significance of rough drafts, or through encouraging me to
analyze and think critically about Chris McCandlesss journey. Each assignment was fairly easy
and was not time consuming. As my favorite reading response I chose reading response one. It
was my favorite because I acquired more information on the topic of journaling in academia.
Through this reading response I received the tools necessary to produce the essay portion of
my inquiry project, my journal entries. As my favorite Journal, I have chosen Journal number
one. This journal is particularly my favorite because it was one of the first assignments due
which I feel gave Professor Intawiwat an idea of my writing style. I also favor this journal
because of the assigned reading for it. Shitty First Drafts was one which made me feel better
about myself as a writer because throughout high school, and even in my Composition one
course, my teachers required structure for every draft, including the rough draft. This reading
made me feel more comfortable with writing. The discussion which I favor the most is the
discussion for Into the Wild. This is my favorite discussion because it was the most engaging. It
required me to think critically about why Chris McCandless decided to journey off into the
Alaskan wild and it allowed me to express myself in a way that the other discussions did not. I
was able to share my favorite quote, which I think may have impacted some of my peers because
of the positive feedback which it had garnered.
SLO: CRITICAL READING is the SLO that I think goes with responses to readings, journals,
and discussions. Each of these assignments required me to read, analyze, and reflect which
fostered a deeper sense of understanding of what I read. Through critically reading I was also
noticed certain connections, or commonalities, such as the connection between Chris spiritual
journey and my spiritual pursuit.

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