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Hola josue
B. Hello Eduardo how are you doing in the university?
A. Bien gracias Josu te recuerdas como era tu vida antes de estudiar
ing industrial?
B. Of course, I remember I studied all the high school in a
christian school and also I was preparing me for the
university when I was in fifth school. Although I did not know
that university but I knew I wanted to study industrial
A. Y porque decidiste estudiar ing industrial
B. Well I think the first reason is that my brother is an industrial
engineer and I've liked to hear what he told me about your
work. The second reason is I've liked the profile of this career
and besides is a career that fits in many areas. And you?
A. yo decidi estudiar ing electrnica cuando empec a trabajar
B . but tell me Could you tell me more?
A. claro, yo estaba trabajando como tenico mecanico cuando me di
cuenta que era bueno en la parte elctrica and electrnica, por
ejemplo arreglar tabler de scoop y motores elctricos.
B. Its interesting and Where did you work?
A. En la mina cobriza esta localizado cerca de Huancavelica y dime
alguna persona fue una gran influencia para ti
B. As I said you I think that my brother was a big influence to
choose this career so interesting.
A. (y) xD es muy interesante tu historia josue gracias
B. Bye Eduardo, See you later.

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