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Good morning teacher and classmates today I will talk about the

delinquency in Lima.
Delinquency is a constant problem in Lima and most other parts of
Peru. Street crime is prevalent in most urban areas, especially in
Lima. An poll made two years ago Tell us that only 50% of people felt
safe on the streets in Lima. Nowadays only 15 % of people feel safe in
Lima. This information shows that crime in Lima increased during the
last years.
One of the main causes of delinquency in Lima is the inefficiency of
police because many of us know that police is inefficiency to catch
robbers maybe they needs better weapons or maybe they should be
trained. For example a robber takes you phone and he run the police
see that but if he is fat, he cant catch the robber.
Another important cause of crime in Lima is the laws arent strict
because the robbers go out of jail very quickly.

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