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I would like to thank you for inspiring me to be great at creative story

making. These are some phrases I choose to describe my thanks....

~To ME~

(Your brain is high in the clouds.)
Do your best to remember us, Like....

Me, your humor writing, talking from the grave. Im not gone!

And me, your memoir, still in comic sans and making more lines of text.
Dont forget me, Erebos, you gave me a happy ending now go make your own.
Even yourself wishes you a happy ending, make your life great.

We need more than Shia Labeouf quotes if going to make it to fifteen lines.

Never give up, never surrender.

Win, win, win, no matter what. - DJ Khaled
Also those quotes are more funny than inspirational, but this one makes sense.
We the best. -DJ Khaled
You're right we are the best on paper and in your mind.
Dont let anyone, tell you otherwise.
Never judge someone based on font type.

-These words are important to me because of the reference to all the font
characters I made throughout my time in creative writing. Now with this I will
never forget those guys with me the whole journey. Some getting better grades
than others, but all coming together to reminded the creator he very special no
matter people say. So now that his creations are saying goodbye to him, he can
move on to create new characters in different worlds, texts, and fonts.
-I know the repose of the receiver because hes also the one who wrote it, and he
feels joy, sadness, and concluded about the gift of words.
My reflection is the following, I enjoyed saying goodbye to the guys one last time and to you
reader. Bye.

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