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Dear Assitant Editor,

Unfortunately I have no more arguments to discuss with the reviewer 2. This

reviewer still doubting the structure of compound 6, hitherto unpublished in
the literature, even though this structure is fully confirmed by NMR and
mass spectra, as presented in the article. The doubts of reviewer 2 have
already been discussed in round 1 and round 2. I have nothing more to
argue, since the spectra are available in the supplementary material.
The decision to publish this article in the Molecules journal are under your
responsibility. If you need to send the article to a third reviewer, I am
available to meet the suggestions.
I just ask for an answer as soon as possible because i am suing this arcticle
in Molecules journal since June.
Thank you for your attention and I look forward hearing from you.
Dr. Vieira

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