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Henry Moore was born the 30th of July in Castleford, West Riding
of Yorkshire (England). He is an English sculptor and artist and is
very known for his semi-abstract monumental bronze
sculptures. These are located all over the world as public Works
of art. His forms normally had an abstraction of the human
figure (usually mother-and-child figures). He died in the 31 st of
August in 1986 , with 88 years of age, been interred in the Perry
Green churchyard.
He was the youngest man in the Prince Of Waless Own Civil
Service Rifles and in 1917 he was injured due to a gas attack,
on the 30th of November at Bourlon, during the battle of
After the war Moore received an ex-serviceman's place to
continue his education and in 1919 he became a student at the
Leeds School of Art. At this momento, his dream life of sculpture
began. At that school, he met Barbara Hepworth, who,
nowadays is also a famous sculptor. Their relationship
continued with profesional rivalry that lasted for many years.
In 1921, Henry won a scholarship to study at the Royal College
of Art, in London, along with Hepwoth and other Yorkshire
His first works of art were made by using the direct sulption
technic. This consisted in making the sculpture directly without
thinking how it would be. He also had other techniques like the
opposite of the one before. He drew drawings and sketches for
each sculpture until he finally draws the one he prefers.

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