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Jiahao Li

ENGL 150
Section: TH
W-Piece Reflection
Samantha Futhey
W Piece Reflection
The reason I choose assignment 2 to do this revision is this essay is the very first one for
this course and also might be the very first one that Ive written so much and find so many other
information to complete this essay. Now I think it is the best time for me to think about how to
write this essay after studying one semesters 150.
For the revision, what I almost do is based on the comments teacher gave me and adding
other my personal ideas. For example, just as the comments, there is so many halls and pavilions
in my essay, which may easily confuse and make my audience lost. Therefore, I decide to show
what is the most important and also by giving examples and descriptions leave my audience deep
impression. Like in the 5th paragraph, I appreciate Yuhua Hall very much because there are nine
stone lions sitting surround it. The whole building is furnished by rosewood pieces, and it has
the most primitive cornices, brick and tile ancient custom relics. Through the detailed
description of the hall, I think it can make the place alive.
Moreover, I delete the next end paragraph which was for introducing the food, and I put
something has similar ideas and purposes at the beginning so it can be one of the reason that I
strongly recommend this place so that the information might not sound rushed and tacked at the
end and be more purposely.

Finally, theres some formatting changes in my revision. I divide more paragraphs,

especially those talking about halls and design of buildings to move slowly and adding more
details to introduce them.

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