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Goal Interpretation

To me, Communication is about conveying a message in a straight-forward manner,

understanding other points of view, and comprehending & drawing conclusions from data. The
UNST definition of communication is writing, graphics, numeracy, and other visual and oral
meansto collaborate effectively with others in group work, and to be competent in appropriate
communication technologies. My definition is essentially the same as UNSTs, however theirs
was more detailed and included technological literacy as a requirement. In my FRINQ class, we
were always encouraged to be part of the discussion, and to respect the opinions of others. I feel
this is key to good communication.
Over the course of this year, communication has been something Ive focused on
frequently. Not as much voicing my own opinions as helping others to communicate theirs. A big
part of communication is listening and making sense of what youre hearing. If your educators
cant communicate with you, how can they possibly teach you anything? Our ability to
communicate clearly with one another is one of the most basic things separating us from wild
animals. I think the better we can communicate, the more human we are.

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