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Music Video

Music Video

1st Idea
Dance Video
Small Storyline

I dismissed this idea


Song: Higher - Chris Gresswell Remix

2nd Chosen Idea

Rap Video
6 Verses performed by 6
different people
Small Storyline
Different Locations

Song: Section Boyz Brand New

Section Boyz Who Needs a Hook?

Where Will It Be Happening?

Watlington (My Home Town)
Car Parks (Night/Day)
Recreation Ground
Watlington Hill

Car Park

Skate Park


Car Park

Watlington Hill

Who is involved?
6 of my friends
Each rapping a verse of the song
Each verse filmed in a different location
& Filmed multiple times for more shots to choose from

Who is this aimed at?

From research I have determined that I will be aiming my production at 16-23 year
olds and predominantly male

Who is this aimed at?

Niche audience although it
becoming less niche

Song: Section Boyz Brand New

Focus Group

Camera Angles
Yungen 23 years old

Where will it be distributed?

Why YouTube?
Why LinkUpTV?

Personal Requirements

Travel Expenses do not apply because

Food Expenses do not apply because

Accommodation do not apply because


All Referenced in Proposal

Crew List
Each person playing a
different rapper

Production Schedule

Production Schedual

All in for the 10th June

Thank You!!

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