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Legal and Ethical Considerations

Copyright Laws
Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988 is a legal right sanctioned by a countries
law that grants the creator of an original piece of work exclusive rights for its use
and distribution. This is usually only for a limited time, but can be renewed if
necessary. The exclusive rights are not absolute but limited by limitations and
exceptions to copyright law, including fair use. Before this act was put in place,
many people didnt have the ability to protect their products, companies and
logos etc. and many people would steal and idea and make it their own and
claiming for it. This can apply to not paying for, TV, Music and Movies and using
them for a commercial purpose without the right to do so. If these laws are
broken, the copyright holders have the ability to sue.
Intellectual Property Rights
This is thing that hold all major property rights in place, i.e. Copyright and
Trademark laws, this is what settles all the rules of Property Rights. Some
common types of intellectual property rights (IPR) are copyright, patents, and
industrial design rights; and the rights that protect trademarks, trade dress, and
in some jurisdictions trade secrets: all these cover music, literature, and other
artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and
When making a media product, you have to consider whether or not this product
will offence;
Race Black, White, Indian and Asian etc.
Sexuality Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
Disability Down syndrome, Amputees
Nationality British, America, China etc.
Class Upper, Middle, Lower
Religion Christians, Muslims, Buddhists etc.
Ofcom is the communications regulator. They specialise in regulating the TV and
radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus the airwaves

over which wireless devices operate.

As regulators, they have to maintain a certain standard with a few things they
Fulfil their statutory objectives in an effective manner.
Ensure their organisation reflects the diversity of the community it serves.
They also act in a balanced and measured way.
Also, they have due regard for equality and human rights in carrying out our
statutory functions.
And finally they have due regard for the equality and human rights impact when
taking strategic decisions about how to exercise their functions.

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