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Reid 1

Ayana Reid
Mr. Dudley
English 112
23 March 2016
Women in STEM
An Annotated Bibliography

Works Cited
"Consumers Energy Promotes Science, Technology Fields by Sponsoring Women of
Color STEM Conference in Detroit." PR Newswire Oct 15 2015. ProQuest. Web. 23
Mar. 2016 .
This article is about Consumers Energys involvement in helping to
promote STEM fields to women. Consumers Energy partners with The Women of
Color STEM Program and is committed to recruiting diverse individuals and are
also committed to keeping them with their company. They hold a convention
called Women of Color STEM Conference annually, which allows women of color

Reid 2

to be able to showcase their talents, abilities and skills to various of company

leaders for opportunities to network and expose them to great job opportunities.
Dr. Jenna Carpenter/ TEDxTalks. "Engineering - Where Are the Girls and Why Aren't
They Here?: Dr. Jenna Carpenter at TEDxMonroe." Online video clip. YouTube.
YouTube, 29 May 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2016.
This is a TEDxTalks video that Dr. Jenna Carpenter presented at a
TEDxMonroe location. Dr. Jenna Carpenter discusses her concerns with the
gender gap in the STEM fields. Dr. Jenna Carpenter discusses the need of
women in STEM and how having more women in STEM fields can help to benefit
the world. She goes on by saying that she believes that if we teach girls to like
STEM subjects at a young age that they will be more interested in achieving
career related fields in STEM. She sees the problem to be the implicit biases that
both women and men put on both women and men. The implicit biases that Dr.
Jenna Carpenter talks about are labels that are placed on women and men that
speak of the abilities of the women and the men to achieve their certain goals.
This speech will be very beneficial to an argumentative paper, it will show
the different aspects of why women may not choose to pursue STEM related
fields or careers in life. This will also help in showing how we can solve the issue
of the gender gap in STEM fields.
Edwards, Brian. "U Research Highlights how More Women in STEM Changes Fields."
University WireJun 10 2015. ProQuest. Web. 23 Mar. 2016 .

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This article talks about a study that was conducted by two schools. The
study is researching the effects of the increasing number of women in the STEM
field and seeing if it has any effect on the company, good or bad. This study
showed that women see things differently from men do but they can still get to
the same solution and conclusion as men. This article also talks about the pay
difference between women and men. This article showed that women still get
paid less than men for doing the same job that men do and get it done the same
Heilbronner, Nancy N. "Pathways in STEM: Factors Affecting the Retention and Attrition
of Talented Men and Women from the STEM Pipeline." Order No. 3367359
University of Connecticut, 2009. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.
This is a study that was conducted to see why people choose the majors
that they choose in college and what leads them to this choice. This study also
showed us that there is a big gender gap in the STEM fields. This study was
researched the difference between the women and men in the study. This study
showed that the women were most likely to choose careers in the biology and
chemistry fields, while the men tend to choose careers in engineering and
computer science. This study can help to show that there is a gender gap when it
comes to the amount of women in STEM related fields and careers. This will help
me to show how much they differ and help to figure out why women may or may
not choose to pursue careers in STEM.

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Hirono, Maloney Mark Women's History Month by Increasing Opportunity for Women &
Minorities in STEM. Lanham: Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc,
2016.ProQuest. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.
This article talks about how low of a number of women and minorities that
have jobs in the STEM Field. It's such a low number that the government is trying
to help by making programs that will help gain the interest of women in minorities
in the STEM field. This program is know as the STEM Booster Act. This article
will help with my research and my argument paper by showing the need of
women and minorities in the STEM field, so much of a need that the government
is taking initiative to stop the issue and get more minorities and women involved
in STEM related fields.
"IIR USA to Address Nationwide Shortage of Women in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math (STEM)." Health & Beauty Close - Up (2015)ProQuest.Web.
23 Mar. 2016.
This article talks about two programs that were created to help women get
careers in STEM fields and supply them with all the help they may need,
including being provided with mentors, if they were to need any extra assistance.
These programs bring the companies to the women to increase the number of
women in their companies and to showcase the women's talents. This will
support my case in showing the importance of women in STEM related jobs.
Samuels, Candice. "Panel Stresses Need and Support of Women in STEM Fields."
University WireMar 25 2015. ProQuest. Web. 23 Mar. 2016 .

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This article talks about a panel of women who come together to talk about
the gender gap thats in the STEM field. They give reasons to why there are less
women in STEM fields and say that there should be more involvement in the
male community to help with the awareness. They talk about how hard it is for
women who choose to be in the STEM program due to discrimination by other
STEM fellows and to the lack of women mentors. This article would be helpful
for an argumentative paper, it shows how women who are already in STEM
related fields and careers feel and gives an insight to why other women may not
want to pursue fields or careers in STEM. This article can show how women may
be discouraged to pursue fields and careers in STEM and shows why there is a
big gender gap in the STEM fields.
"The Institute for International Research; IIR USA Tackles Nationwide Shortage of
Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math STEM." Journal of
Engineering (2015): 709. ProQuest. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.
This article also talks about the two programs that were created to help
women get careers in STEM. This will help show the need for women in STEM
related fields, jobs and careers. This article shows that women are needed so
much in STEM fields that companies are making groups to help women who are
interested in STEM fields stay interested and help to give them assistance
finding careers in STEM by bringing the companies who need more women in
STEM to women who are interested in STEM.
"Women Advance in STEM Fields at Tech." University Wire Nov 18 2015. ProQuest.
Web. 23 Mar. 2016 .

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This article talks about the gender gap in STEM fields and what is being
done by the government to help close the gap. This article recognizes a women
by the name of Linda Allen who was the first female faculty at Texas Tech to
receive a PhD in mathematics. The article talks about her experience and allows
her to share how she feels about the gender gap of women in STEM related
jobs. This article also informs the audience on what President Barack Obama
feels about this issue.
This article is informative and shows that the gender gap is an issue that
needs to be resolved.

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