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De Pena, R.

LDRS 810 Analytic memo #4, September 2, 2015 Page 1

Analytic Memo #4, Moving from Research Question to Design: Use of Theory and
Literature in Qualitative Inquiry
For this weeks readings I found Careys recommendation to follow a four-step approach
in a qualitative approach particularly instructive. This recommendations could be listed as
follows: 1) Selection of a general topic (supported by historical and recent facts); 2) Selection of
a more specific subject (supported by ongoing review); 3) Selection of a narrower, focused topic;
and 4) Writing up the paper (Carey, 2012). While he is primarily targeting social work
researchers, it is inferentially safe to conclude that this process is valid for any field of study
within qualitative inquiry.
I found, however, Careys recommendation to be a critical reviewer of the literature very
Instructive as it is so difficult to believe that even a renowned scholars can have gaps in their
work. However, he concedes that [t]here is usually limited space to evaluate other peoples
work (2012, p. 51).
Moreover, I found his examples of primary and secondary sources very interesting and
timely for my own research project. His emphasis that [a]ll qualitative research will be
supported and influenced by a qualitative review (2012, p. 55) cannot be overstated.
However, in spite of all the great recommendations to appropriately review and select the
literature for ones project, so far I have been unsuccessful in finding any reliable secondary
evidence for my research topic. I have found one scholarly source that indirectly addresses my
topic, and that source is a decade old. The good news is that I do not believe that would
ultimately be an issue because, according to Creswell (2013), [i]f no groups of literature have
addressed the problem, then discuss the extant literature that is closest to the topic. Hopefully a

De Pena, R. LDRS 810 Analytic memo #4, September 2, 2015 Page 2

good qualitative study has not already been done, and no studies directly address the topic being
proposed in the present study (p. 133). However, I am curious to learn if any of my classmates
are facing a similar situation. If so, does their logic differ from mine? I just want to make sure I
am on target in understanding and applying this course. Thoughts anyone?

Carey, M. (2012). Qualitative research skills for social work: Theory and practice. Surrey:
Ashgate Publishing

Creswell, J. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches
(Third ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.

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