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Trenton Elvis

Mrs. Crist
English IV
Essential question: What are the dangers of offshore drilling?
Thesis: Offshore drilling can lead to oil spills, it can release tons of unregulated polluted water
into the oceans, and it also has an impact onshore as well.
Annotated Bibliography
"Beachapedia." Offshore Oil Drilling -. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
This article is about the dangers and effects of offshore drilling. Offshore drilling has
many environmental impacts as well, these consist of, seismic surveys, drilling and processing
oil, oil spills, and it has multiple onshore impacts. The seismic surveys can kill fish eggs and
larvae with the high-decibel noise they make to scan the sea floor. Drilling and processing oil can
release a lot of polluted water into the ocean near where they are drilling at. The oil spills have
numerous effects, they can kill animals, harm the seafloor and can be very expensive to clean up.
The onshore impacts of offshore oil drilling can cause a massive drop in tourism. This article is
going to help me write my paper because it gives me an overview of the effects of offshore
Refined Thesis: Offshore drilling can lead to oil spills, the release of unregulated polluted water
into the oceans, and it also has many onshore impacts as well.
"Grand Strand Officials Celebrate Reversal of Atlantic Offshore Drilling
Plans."Myrtlebeachonline. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.

This article talks about the Obama administration stopping the plans for offshore
drilling in the Atlantic ocean. There were many people in South Carolina who opposed
offshore drilling in the Atlantic, including the State capital, many restaurants across the
state and every coastal city. If they wouldve allowed offshore drilling in the Atlantic, it
wouldve killed marine life and would have harmed the massive tourism industry on
South Carolinas coast. The drilling plan announced tuesday 3/15/16 covers from 2017
to 2022. This article will help me write my service paper because it talks about a local
victory in offshore drilling and it gives me more information on why offshore drilling is
such a problem.

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