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1. Change the
(3 marks)




2. Daddy can teach me to play golf.



directions :


_______________________________________________________ (Future)
3. Jim brought his birthday cards home in a wagon after school.
_________________________________________________________ (Present)
__________________________________________________________ (Future)
4. Ann will help Mommy bring home the groceries from the store.
____________________________________________________________ (Past)
___________________________________________________________ (Present)
2. Directions: Circle the homophone that best fits the sentence:
1) My parents (allowed / aloud) me to watch a movie with my friend.
2) I had (eight / ate) dollars left to play video games.
3) My favorite team had (one / won) the World Series.
4) My mom waited for the (sale / sail) at the store before she went
5) I wanted to go to the movies at (knight / night).
6) Could you show me the (way/weigh)?
7) Please choose the (right/write) answer.
8) There is a (whole/hole) in the bucket.

3. Write a letter to your school principal persuading him to

replace the school bell with music. Try to build up your
argument with some good points.
(10 marks)


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