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Morkowski 1

Anika Morkowski
Ms. Winter
British Literature, Period 2
14 September 2015
Grendels Journey
He could feel himself getting more hungry. As the sun started to low in the sky, he knew
he would be able relieve the lust for blood and flesh. He grew more and more excited as the light
dimmed around him. For as long as he can remember, he had always yearned to kill and feast on
the innocent. He could feel the tainted blood of Cain throughout his body, giving him the craving
for murder. Grendel was overwhelmed with happiness and excitement the first night he stumbled
on Herot, those twelve glorious years ago. Those drunken and stupid warriors have supplied him
with easy kills and food all these wonderful years. Even after all these years murder, killing the
Danes has never ceased to amuse.
As Grendel creeps up to Herot, just like he does every night, his excitement increases.
Grendel walks without even thinking. He knows the way to the hall like the back of his hand.
There is no chance of him stumbling or falling because he knows where every little rock, ditch,
and branch lie after maneuvering through the same path thousands of times. As he reaches Herot,
his hunger and lust is out of control. He can practically hear the blood pumping in the mens
veins, but he is surprised at what he sees. There are way more men than there have ever been
there before. The building is heavily guarded, but Grendels arrogance leads him believe there is

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no challenge waiting for him. He has never been beaten before, so why would he ever believe
Grendel sneaks into the hall, eager as can be. He scans the room of still, quiet bodies all
sprawled on the floor begging to be eaten. The men were a nicely made feast before his eyes. He
spots his first dish and attacks. Grendel easily rips the man in half and devours him like a
chicken, sparing nothing. This first kill is only a warm-up and causes anticipation for everything
to come. On to the next course.
Grendel leans over the next sleeping body and wraps his huge claws around him, ready to
dig in. Then all of a sudden he is being gripped back. The man, Beowulf, is awake and fighting.
Grendel has never fought a man so strong and powerful before. Never has there been a challenge
that he could not easily beat. At the realization of what was happening, Grendel tried to run. He
could not escape the grip. Grendel thrashed and clawed at Beowulf, and finally barely was
released from the hold. He ran across the hall but was blocked by all the other warriors who
have, at this point, woken and barricaded him in. He tried to claw and fight his way through
waves of people, fearful for his life. Beowulf was not slowing and keeps attacking Grendel.
Grendel sprints through the building, leaping over benches, followed closely by Beowulf. Their
fight rings throughout the hall. Grendel knows that Beowulf is stronger than him, but keeps
fighting. Grendel claws, bites, and thrashes with all his might. Grendel cries and screams as
Beowulf begins to crush and destroy Grendel. Grendel is again caught in Beowulfs grasp with
nothing he can do. Grendel is held in the air, for what feels to him, like eternity as the life slowly
leaves his body.

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While dangling in the air, Grendel is attacked by the surrounding men. They flail their
swords at him with no avail. He is still protected against all weapons and is not hurt. His groans
grow and echo as he comes closer and closer to death. Grendel became more and more angry as
his defeat came near, but there was no strength left in him to do anything. All of a sudden he
feels a burning pain in his shoulder. He can feel it intensify more and more, each muscle and
tendons stretching farther and farther apart. Then snap. His arm is pulled from his body and he is
Grendel slowly drags himself back to his lair, armless and dying. As he walks along that
path he knows so well, he knows he is dying and has fought his last battle. The blood trails from
his body and he becomes more faint with every step. He knows this will be the last time he walks
through the moon-path. No more easy meals, no more murder, and no more fear to be felt by
everyone. Grendel limps off alone into the darkness back home for the last time.

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