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Jovelyn Rodriguez John Krenzke story 1120 4 May 2015 ‘The Impact of the Paris 1919 Peace Conference on the World: Germany World War one began on July 28, 1914 and lasted until November 11, 1918. The immediate cause of the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, but most of the war was blamed on the differences in foreign policies. The war consisted of wo. mai sides, The Allied Powers whieh included France, Great Britain, and Russia. On the opposing side was Germany and Austria- Hungary. World War one was one of the most destructive and brutal wars in history. By the end of war over nine million soldiers were killed, and about twenty one million were left wounded. Roughly eleven percent of Frances population had been killed or wounded during the war, Eventually the war ended in the year of 1919 by the signing of the Treaty of Versailles . This treaty would lead to the destruction of the German economy and stability of the nation as a whole. On June 28, 1919, the Treaty that would end World War One was signed in the Versailles palace near Paris, This treaty was orchestrated by the allied powers to held Germany aceountable for destruction that was caused during the war. In the Excerpts from the Treaty of Versailles (1919); Article 231 presents that, “ The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany aceepls the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the less and damages” (Excerpts from the Treaty of Versailles, 9). The article is known as the “war guilt clause”, forcing Germany to accept all financial and moral responsibility for the war. It was either to sign the treaty or to continue on with the war. Not only did the treaty point its finger at Germany, but it systematically devoted the Germany economy and military by shredding down the size to about 100,000 men. The reasoning behind such merciless terms was to eliminate the possibility ofa new war with France. The British and Americans did not want to be dragged right back into the confrontation either. Under the Article of 232 states that, “She will make a compensation for all damage done to the civilian population of allied and associated powers against Germany by land, by sea, and from the air, and in general damage” (Excerpts from the ‘Treaty of Versailles, 9). The key is ta show how the sanctions that were brought upon Germany were not only feasting, but it was also humiliating to their country on an international stage A respected economist of the time, John Meynard Keynes, predicted that the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles Would lead to catastrophic disaster for the Germans, Keynes suggested the treaty was unfair to Germany because it forced them ta assume all the financial responsibility, The treaty created anger and confusion within the German population. Not only would the people be emotionally damaged by the signing of the treaty, but the economy and the state of the country was endangered as well. In the dacument, The Economie Consequences of the Peace by John Meynard Keynes vovalized “It was neces ary, therefore, to set up a body to establish the bill of claim, to fix the mode af payment”( Keynes, 261). J.M Keynes knew that Germany would not be able to keep up with such harsh terms and the economy would deteriorate, Payments for the war were immensely high. In the peace treaty it stated that Germany would have to make installments of two billion gold marks a year, which is about SOO million dollars plus a percentage of the country's exports. Germany was expected to pay back these wat reparations at a vigorous pace which led to the downfall of the economy as Keynes predicted in his article. France and Britain became dependent on the payments from Germany. Eventually when Germany could not afford it anymere the dependent countries began to struggle. Keynes had peedicted that these harsh peace terms would lead to setious economic and political repercussions on Europe and the World at large. “ There it is not just a matter of extravagance or “labor troubles?”; but of life and death, of starvation and existence, and of fearful convulsions af a dying civilization (Keynes, 260). The peace treaty took a toll on the country in the form of starvation of the population, inflation on basic necessities, and political discord, An economic catastrophe made the German population in desperate need for ehange and the predictions of Keynes created an impact on the Weimar Republic. John Meynard Keynes correctly predicted the downfall of Germany. It is regrettable that more people like Keynes were hot involved int the construction of the treaty. It is almost as if those responsible for the document wanted another war. Many German citizens were not pleased with the Treaty of Versailles especially Adolf Hitler. He responded opportunistically to the treaty and used it as a tool to help him ascend to grand chancellor. Hitler's promise to abolish the damning san fions from the treaty was the key to convince and win over the support of the Germans. With the German natien desperately awaiting a change were more susceptible and vulnerable that they would take anything and anyone just to restore the economy again, The Great Depression left the German population suifering from poverty, misery, doubts, and a substantially increasing political instability, The ‘Treaty of Versailles, the Great Depression, and with many German citizens in utter despair, a perfect storm was created which allowed Hitler to win the hearts of the German population, According to the article, The Rise of Hitler, it was explained that in his speeches, Hitler offered. the the Germans what they need most, encouragement, He gave them heaps of vague promises, while avoiding the details. He used simple catch phrases, repeated over and over. Hitler engineered his message to appeal to the youth, unemployed, and the lower middle class. For instance, in Hitlers Berlin: Proclamation of the German nation he states the National Government will work om the following plan, “Within four years unemployment must be finally overcome. At the same the conditions necessary for a revival in trans and commerce are providedf...] The National Government will couple with this tremendous task of reorgat ing business lift a reorganization of the administrative and fiscal systems of the Reich, of the Federal states, and the Communes"( Berlin: Proclamation to the German Natien, 29). With the Germans angry with the Treaty of Ver illes and the Weinar Republic Hitlers message appealed to most of the population acquiring a easy wkeover. In summary, at the conclusion of World War One the Western powers authored the Treaty of Versailles to label Germany the lone instigator in the conflict, The content of this treaty would set the course for one of the world’s biggest tyrants to rise to power. A depleted workforce, decimated military, and national embarrassment were the elements needed to ereate a perfect storm for Hitler and the Nazi party to rally Germany. Germany had been taken under a new wing as the Weimer Republic had been eliminated and a sole dictatorship was set into place. One can definitely say that Germany went through a chaatic roller coaster ride in the 1900s, but that also led to what Germany is today as well as the surrounding countries.

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