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Christopher Columbus

By: Tori, Joe, Erin, Rayshawn.

Christopher Columbus sailed the
ocean blue in 1492

When Columbus first landed there

was peaceful exchange between him
and native people.
The Natives were nice and gave him
many nice things

Christopher soon felt that he had

more power than the natives and
made them slaves.

After a while, Columbus wanted to

take over the land.
They pushed the natives out of the
land so settlers could live there.

Create a dialog with your table with
what you think first happened when
the Natives met Christopher
Act it out

Why didnt Christopher and the

Native Americans get along?
He has never seen Native American
culture so he could not appreciate it.

Why did Christopher Columbus sail

to America?

Thought he was in China

Why did they make Native

Americans slaves?
Christopher Columbus didnt like
them and wanted to make sure he
had power over them

Who won the War

Settlers won, they pushed the
natives out of the land

Where did the Natives go?

They were sent as slaves and most
passed away.

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