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For this weeks discussion, I decided to choose the case called,

Fernandez v. California which was established on February 25, 2014.

The reason I decided to choose this case was because Ive heard
former classmates talk about this case before. This case was a very
interesting case to read about, because it involved a man named
Walter Fernandez who was accused of attacking and robbing a man
named Abel Lopez. After being attacked, the police were notified to go
investigate the scene and proceed from there. Luckily, there were two
witnessed whom identified where the suspect lived, which wasnt far
from the scene. Police went to the suspects one and began their
investigation with the permission of Fernandez roommate. As they
began the search, Fernandez walked in and claimed that they could not
enter the household for investigate without a search warrant. Walter
Fernandez was arrested and the officers continued with their
investigation. During this search, officers found weapons such as
knives and guns in the household. The argument with this case, is
based on whether police officers have the right to search a home
without a secure warrant. Many people agree or disagree with this
statement above, but on February 24, 2014 the Supreme Court
decided that, even thought a warrant is generally required,
Fernandezs case was different, because he was arrested and the
roommate allowed the police to enter the home without a warrant.
They agreed that the search was reasonable, because it resulted in
them finding the weapons inside the home. Fernandez objected the
search, but the other tentant allowed the police to move forward with
it. The final decision that was made was clear that it did not violate the
fourth ammendent. People shouldnt look passed this case, because it
is filled with conflict between ones right. Fernandez believed that his
rights were being violated, but the supreme court decided that they
Thought Questions:
1. What are your thoughts on the final decision of the supreme
2. Do you believe Fernandez got what they deserved?
3. Do you believe search warrants are necessary in every case?

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