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HLTH 634





Executive Overview
A. The reader should come away from this section with knowledge of what you are
proposing and why your plan will work.
1. Wake County Health Department nurses and teachers
2. The Wake County nurses have partnered with teachers from the local High
School to offer fertility awareness classes aimed at the African American
population, but is welcoming to all students.
B. Briefly describe the need for your intervention.
1. African American teens in our local High School, preferably before they
are sexually active.
2. Research shows significant racial disparities exist in the United States
including unplanned pregnancy rates, especially with low-income, African
American women.
C. Provide an explanation of your intended intervention.
1. BEHAVE Framework: In order to help African American teens learn
strategies to abstain or delay intercourse using fertility awareness based
methods or contraception, while focusing on empowerment, decision
making and avoiding peer pressure, through a 4 class series that
incorporates new knowledge with decision making exercises.
2. The classes will empower young people to learn about the benefits of
abstinence, contraceptive options for delaying pregnancy, and decision
making with a clear mind.
3. Describe the project outcome of your intervention.
a. By the end of the program, 50% of participants will list 5 reasons
why they would consider choosing abstinence over sexual activity,
as measured by an end of course questionnaire.
b. By the end of the program, 80% of participants choosing not to
abstain from sexual intercourse will schedule a consultation with
the local health departments family planning physician, within
one week of course completion, and as measured by weekly
computer generated scheduling reports.
The Customers (Market Review)
A. Provide a detailed description of your intended primary target audience (See
NCIs Making Health Communication Programs Work, Stage 1.)
1. BehavioralAfrican American teenagers who are at risk for engaging in
sexual activity
2. CulturalAfrican American, although inclusive of all interested
students, regardless of ethnicity
3. DemographicHigh School students
4. PhysicalBoth male and female
5. PsychographicHigh School students at risk for engaging in sexual
B. All high school students, regardless of ethnicity
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HLTH 634




The Product (Product Review)

A. Describe your product or service
1. Series of 4 family planning classes
2. Education, tools and strategies to make empowering choices regarding
ones fertility.
3. For the first time in Wake County, this program will offer 2 college credits
for attending.
B. This program, although not mandatory, will offer 2 college credits after course
A. Position
1. Imaging: A group of multi-cultural teens will be on the cover of pamphlet
2. Distinctiveness: This service is free to all teens and offers college credit,
which is worth several hundred dollars.
B. Product
1. Features: We will offer information and tools used to make good choices
in sexual behavior.
2. Necessity: The target audience will be heard, without being judged. It will
be a comfortable environment taught and facilitated by African American
teachers and nurses.
C. Price
1. Price: None- FREE service of Wake County Health Department
2. Value: This class is free and costs $245,340 less than raising a child from
birth to age 18, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
D. Promotion
1. Selling points: Free class that will give you all the tools youll need to
control your fertility!
2. Promotional places (Channels): This class will be advertised on the school
PA system every Monday morning and the high school television station.
Posters will placed in the rest rooms, cafeteria and library.
A. Suggest a one-year projection on costs associated with the advertising and
promotion of your product or service.
1. School PA announcement: Free
2. High school television station: No cost- students in Communications 101
will perform advertisements as part of their coursework.
3. Posters used around school: $500 budget for supplies. Art 201 class will
create posters and hang them in the boys and girls restrooms, cafeteria,
and library.
4. Salaries: all classes offered during school hours so no additional teacher
salaries needed.
5. Offer subtotals and total costs: $500 per year
B. Justify your budget with explanations for the need of projected items and costs.
Since the budget is relatively small and labor will be completed by students for
high school credit, there is no justification needed.

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