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Student Name: Angelica Reyes

Date: 09 April 2016

Artifact Description: Map of you
What you learned: I learned how to use a program Ive never tried before, Inspiration. It was
very user friendly and I was able to navigate through the program easily. I learned how to link a
bubble to another and how to upload photos into the program then convert them into a symbolsized icon.
National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS) S Addressed: Standard #6
Technology operations and concepts. Found at
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: Inspiration could be used as a classroom
icebreaker project. I could use it for the first week of school as a simple and fun way for the kids
to get to know each other. I would print out each students map and let them present it to the class.
Aside from that, we could continue to use it throughout the year on significant days to remember
a historical hero, someone like Martin Luther King Jr. or Theodore Roosevelt.

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