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Harrison Underwood

Mrs. Marcum
UWRT 1101 and 1103
Reviewer Memo
Task: Write a reflective memo for your peer group members. The
purpose of this memo is to help direct your readers to the areas that
you still feel uncertain about or frustrated with. According to Nedra
Reynolds and Elizabeth Davis in Portfolio Keeping: A Guide for
Students, Composing a reflective memo for a reviewer or reader helps
you identify areas in a draft with which you feel dissatisfied, even if
you cannot quite name, let alone fix, the problems (30). Please
provide in-depth, thoughtful responses that focus as much on the why
of your process as the what and how. The what and how you already
know; the why is worth probing further.
To: Tyler Gandy
From: Harrison Underwood
Do you define literacy in your essay? If so, how has your definition of
literacy changed from the beginning of this project to now?

I dont ever define literacy throughout my essay and thats a step

that I think I should definitely include in my introduction. Several
different areas of my literacy have strengthened throughout this
writing process. I started to pay more attention to small details
and began ensuring that my paragraphs flowed in a unique way.
These small details have made a big impact on the outlook I
have on my writing.

Describe your working process, identify the steps you took or a

strategy that proved fruitful.

One of the first things that helped me a lot was reviewing the
personal narratives that we had wrote in preparation for this
paper. While I was struggling to find out the claim I wanted to
make, the personal narratives served as a foundation for a bigger
paper. Another useful tool was using the references as a way to
open up an idea in a paragraph. Using the references in the
beginning of the paragraph, gave me the structure I wanted to
use throughout the paper.

Did you include any multimodal elements? Why or why not?


No, due to the fact that I couldnt any that pertained into my life
and could be added into my paper.
Did you change the direction or major segments of your essay? If so,
when did you change it and why?
-Yes, after my first rough draft, I realized the sloppiness of the structure
of my paper. To fix the structure, I rearranged a few paragraphs and
added adjoining paragraphs in order to produce the consistency I
desired throughout the paper.
Name three specific ways your paper has changed since our last
workshop. If you wish, identify someone who was very helpful in
guiding those changes.
- Change of word choice all throughout the paper
- Adjoining paragraphs that help make the paper flow
- proper citations and MLA format
How do you feel about your project? How is the process going?

Honestly, I feel pretty good about this paper so far. I have been
turning everything in on time and in a timely manner and its
helped reduce the stress. I feel as if there are definitely a few
small changes I could make that would enhance the appeal of my
paper, but overall, Im satisfied.

What shape do you think it is in?

-So far I think I am in good shape to receive a solid grade. But, as I
stated earlier, there is always some ways to improve my paper that I
hope to discover.
How can your reviewers help you most in their response to this draft?
Be specific about parts or passages that you think still need work or
that you want them to look at carefully. What questions do you have
for readers about the piece?

It would be helpful if reviewers could point out a few suggestions

for where I could implement more references to the readings we
completed in class. I also would appreciate any input towards
word choice.
-Are there sections in my writing that need clarification?

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