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That the method that I devised of stilling the mind

and concentrating on my own essential core, which I had

decided was God, differed little from the method of seeking
out the Self by constant enquiry and search for the Witness
as taught by Bhagavan, there can be no doubt. I was
lucky that the Truth came to me so easily. Of course it
bore out Bhagavans saying that, Chadwick was with us
before, he was one of us. He had some desire to be born
in the West, and that he has now fulfilled. So it seems
that the memory of the teaching given in a previous birth
was bearing fruit in this.
I arrived at Tiruvannamalai by the early morning
train. It was a bright clear day at the beginning of winter
and I was immediately struck by the wonderful atmosphere
of the place, which one almost felt that one could take
hold of, so potent was it. I was met at the station by
Ganapathi Sastry. I had asked the Ashram to send someone
to meet me and so naturally concluded that this was the
person, but it transpired that, though he had once been
one of their men, at the time he was out of favour and had
no authority to meet me. The emissary sent by the Ashram
never showed himself when he saw someone else looking
after me. Why trouble?
Ganapathi Sastry had once been a local magistrate
and had been a devotee of Bhagavan for years. He had a
special liking for a white face and would attach himself to
any European or American that came to the Ashram. But

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