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Nuclear issues

We need more nuclear power
stations because of future
energy demands, to keep our
standards of living
Nuclear power can save fossil
fuels (coal, oil, gas), which are
running out. They could be saved
for the Third World, or not used
at all (to reduce the Greenhouse
Effect and global warming)
Nuclear power causes less
damage to the environment than
do coal-powered stations.
Nuclear stations do not produce
CO2 and SO2, and so do not make
acid rain
The amount of nuclear waste is
small. It can be safely stored by
enclosing it in thick glass and
burying it
Only 0.1% of our background
radiation comes from the
nuclear power industry
Nuclear stations are very
carefully designed to be safe
Risks due to the nuclear industry
are less than other areas

We should save energy by better
insulation of homes, and better use
of the wasted heat from power
The worlds uranium is limited. We
must develop renewable sources of
energy, like wave power and solar
power. They do less damage to the
Nuclear power stations produce
waste which stays highly
radioactive for thousands of years

Leaving waste is irresponsible it

pollutes the world for our
grandchildren. The nuclear waste
might leak out
No level of radioactivity is safe.
Statistics show that children nearby
are more likely to get leukaemia
Chernobyl blew up, due to human
error. A lot of people across Europe
will die because of it. It is too risky
Other risks are irrelevant. There is
always a risk of a nuclear accident,
with enormous consequences.
Future generations would not
forgive us

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