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Sarah Bucholz

ECON 202-101
90012-Spring 16
Macro 202 McConnell
Homework Assignment Ch. 7
Project 1

Here is a brief overview of the gross domestic products and Imports vs

Exports. This chart shows me there is a huge demand for domestic
goods. Im wondering if they are being created in house (referring to
within the United States.) That being said you can clearly see with the
bottom two lines we are importing goods from other countries more
often then we are exporting to other countries.
Project 2

When I saw this charted I was quite surprised that our government savings is
in the negative. I was well aware that we were in debt as a country however I
havent necessarily payed close attention to the specifics. Im not an
economic major so this is my real first exposure to the savings and
investment by sector That being said I am very proud at the fact that private
entities are actually being able to successfully save and invest. I also looked
at the household and institutions feature and the savings are rather
significant just like the private. You will notice that the private savings and
investment skyrocketed in 2009 and took a rapid decline for the government
due to the recession when the government chose to bail out the banks.

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