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Unit Three : The Solar System

Level:3rd Year
Astronomy =scientific study of the sun the moon and the stars
Astronomer =who studies astronomy

Astronauts who travels in space ship =
Astrology =the study of the position of the movement of the stars
Asteroids =small planets that go round the sun
Climate change =the mixture of gases that surround the earth
Comets =a bright star with a tail and moves around the sun
Collision(n) to collide (v) = when two things collide =crash
Diameter =a straight line that goes from one side to the other
Distance(n) = the place between two places Distant (adj) -
Debris=pieces from sth that is crashed to the ground
Depth=the distance down from the top surface of sth .deep (adj) to deepen
Earth =the only planet with air ,water and life
Eclipse =solar eclipse, when the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface
lunar eclipse, when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow
Energy =the power that comes from coal ,electricity energetic (adj)
Galaxy =large groupe of stars and planets in outer space Galaxie
Glimpse(v) =a quick incomplete view of sb/sth
Gravity(n)=hovering to stay in the air in one place
Light (n) /v =the brightness that allows you to see things (moontlight)
Light= not of great weight. to lighten (v)
Mars= fourth planet in order from the sun
Mercury =the nearest planet to the sun
Meteor=a small piece of rock in space Meteoric (adj)
Meteorite=a piece of rock from outer space that hits the earths surface
Meteorology=the study of the weather and climate
meteorological (adj)
Moon=The object that shines in the sky (moonlight) n. moonlit (adj)
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Orbit=the path taken by planet moon going around sth else

Height (n)= the measurement from the bottom to the top .high (adj) to heighten (v)
Sun rise=when the sun comes up
Sun set= when the sun goes down
Rotate (v)=to turn in circle round a central point
Revolve (v)=to move in a circle around a central point
Radiate (v)= to send out heat or light .radiant (adj).radiation (n)
Twinkle (v) (n)=to shine with a light that seems to be moving
Length (n)=distance that measures from one end to another .to lengthen (v) .long(adj)
Width (n) =amount that sth measures from one side to the other .to widen (v). wide
Weight(n)=measurement in kilos. to weigh (v).

Teacher:M. K

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