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Considering forests are climax communities with high biodiversity

and complex food webs. Deforestation of these forests, especially

tropical rainforests, reduces diversity through e.g. loss of habitats
and bases to food webs, which produces a less stable environment
where abiotic factors become more extreme. Deforestation also
affects carbon and nitrogen cycles; there is less photosynthesis and
usually tree burning, but also leeching through lack of soil stability
and rainfall. These factors cause an imbalance of CO2 well as less
decomposition of organic matter to release the mineral ions (e.g.
nitrates) back to the soil and so reduced input to the nitrogen cycle
(which means the less fertile soil supports fewer organisms and so
leads to a lower diversity). Conservation is managing the Earths
resources so to restore and maintain a balance between
requirements of humins and other organisms, which people are
trying to encourage through emphasising the importance of
sustainable use of forests!!!

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