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Mariana Gonzalez

Adriana Ortega
James Cordero
John Cordero
6 May 2016
Living Souls
Scene #1: The beginning
(island shore)

Plot: Narrator(Once upon a time there was a giant cruise ship filled with many characters who
were having a nice vacation at the Bahamas Seas. Some of these characters where the Doctor,
Harley Quinn, Joel, and Tris Prior. Overall, they were having the time of their lives. However,
Harley Quinn and her squad were planning on taking over the cruise ship when suddenly, a big
storm rushed over the Bahamas Seas which pushed the cruise ship down. Luckily, there was a
near island and these four characters made it there alive. Now, everything seemed going well
until they realized that the mysterious island also had its weird effects that came to life at night)

Tris Prior: This is all your fault Harley Quinn!
Harley Quinn: Me? How rude!
Tris Prior: Yes! You were the one trying to take the cruise ship down!
Harley Quinn: It wasnt my fault! It was the storms!
The Doctor: SHHHH Im thinking of ways to get out of here!
Tris Prior: And who exactly are you?
The Doctor: Im the Doctor. You?
Tris Prior: Im Tris Prior.
Joel: Im Joel and I say we have to work on this together in order to survive
The Doctor: Shelter! We must find shelter!

Tris Prior: (walking close by Harley) Just so you know Harley Quinn, if you ever try to do any of
your mind games to me, I will kill you.
(Harley starts poking Tris in an annoying way)
Tris Prior: (giving and angry look) Dont touch me.
Harley Quinn: (while poking) Kill me! Kill me!
Tris Prior: Stop it! (pushes her)
Joel: Stop fighting both of you! We are in this together so lets just focus on whats going to be
our next move and do something about it!
The Doctor: Yes, lets just focus on shelter

Scene #2: Dont fall for everything you see
Narrator: (It was nightfall and everything started to glow, flowers, trees, the ground, the
animals, everything! It all looked beautiful. The island seemed to have another life at night. What
the characters didnt know was that everything the island did had a purpose. The characters
were all gathered by the bonfire that Joel and Tris made)

Harley Quinn: (starts singing if youre hungry and you know it clap your hands)
Joel: Shut the fuck up Harley!
Tris Prior: I cant stand her anymore. Im going to get us some more wood.
Joel: We are supposed to stay together. Its not safe out there.
Tris Prior: Im not going that far. It will only take me a few minutes.
Narrator (Tris left and the characters started hearing weird noises)
Joel: Whats that noise?
Narrator (Joel grabs his wooden spear)
Joel: I think its coming from there!
Harley Quinn: Oh, nevermind that! Those are just the voices in my head. (crazy laugh) Haha!

The Doctor: No, no, no, shhh!!! I can hear them too.
Narrator (bushes started moving and Joel, Harley and the Doctor where about to attack
whatever it was there and suddenly. A small frog appeared and then he moved along. Later,
Harley Quinn notices a very pretty flower which also seemed to have a unique glow)

Harley: Oh! Look at that pretty flower!
Narrator (Harley extends her hand and reaches to touch the flower)
The Doctor: No! No! Dont touch it! It could be dangerous!
Narrator (the flower then attempts to eat Harleys hand)
Harley Quinn: AHHH!
Narrator (Joel takes a gun from his ankle and started shooting the flower)
Joel: This island is starting to creep me out and I dont get scared that easily.
Narrator (Tris comes back)
Tris Prior: Guys, I think I found a way out of here. Just follow me.
Narrator (The characters then started following Tris throughout the mysterious jungle. On their
way, Harley started whinnying).

Harley Quinn: UUUGH! Im hungry! When are we getting food!?!
Tris Prior: Im trying to get us on top of the mountain to get us a better view. After that, we eat.
The Doctor: Hmmmthats actually clever Tris!

Scene #3: Something its not right here
Narrator (It was still night but with the islands glow helped the characters see everything. They
kept walking when suddenly, the Doctor noticed something weird about the soil they were
stepping in)

The Doctor: Wow! By the looks of it, I think youre standing on quicksand. Quick! Grab that
Harley Quinn: Oh my! I think Im sinking!
Joel: Yea, no shit.
Narrator (Joel grabbed the nearest vine and Harley, then, they climbed out. After that, the
Doctor couldnt help but notice, Tris, after walking on top of the quicksand, didnt get trapped on
The Doctor: Hey Tris, how come you didnt get trapped on the quicksand? You were right on
top of it too. I mean, you walked through it just fine. How come?
Tris Prior: What do you mean? I dont know, maybe I didnt exactly walk through it I guess.
Narrator (Later on through the journey, Harley Quinn seems to trip over somethingor
Harley Quinn: (to Joel) Hey! Why did you push me!?
Joel: Harley, I didnt.
Harley Quinn: (looking down on the ground) T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-TRIS IS DEAD!!!
Joel: What are you talking about!? Tris is right there with the Doctor.
Harley Quinn: No! Come look!
Tris Prior: What? Whats going on?
Narrator (All the characters looked and Harley Quinn was right. There, laying on the floor, was
Tris body. She was indeed dead. How and when did it get there will forever remain a mystery)

Tris Prioir: (as a ghost) What?! When did this happen?? How did this happen?? (poof)

Narrator (Tris soul disappears. Joel, Harley and the Doctor were left in shock and speechless.
It was now that the knew, they were never safe. The island itself was capable of taking away
lives from anyone. Thats how it was maintained alive, with human souls)

Harley Quinn: Great! Now we are all going to die! This stupid island wants to eat all of us!
Joel: No! No one is going to die! Lets just stay calmed and keep moving until we get to the top
of the mountain.
Scene # 4 The end is near
Narrator (It was daylight, Joel, Harley and the Doctor, made it through the night. Luckily, they
were close to their destination)
Harley: Are we almost there yet?
Joel: Yes, Harley.
The Doctor: (talking to himself) When did she die? It must have been by the time she went out
to look for wood. That explains why she didnt get trapped on the quicksand.
Narrator (Joel moved some branches)
Joel: Guys, look! We are here!
Narrator (All the characters looked. It was the end. Whatever they saw, it had no escape.
Nowhere to go. Nothing and nobody was going to save them. Deep down in their souls, they
knew they were going to be trapped in that island foreveror at least thats what they thought)

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