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Miseducation by Jordyn Brown

Studying subjects we will never use

Where there are letters that become numbers
And expressions that have no expression
When you thought the only curve existed on your hips
And you realize segregation is not the only division
A periodic table that you use periodically
Kids dont know the difference between a cell and a cell phone
Memorizing vocabulary well never use in a sentence
Text well never actually finish
But we make sure to finish texting
Two marks that allow you to speak
But what you speak wont always be heard
A comma that takes a pause while time keeps ticking
Question marks for all my questions
Like, what is education?
You teach us not to judge but you judge us
To be accepted or declined
You claim its a fine line
When athletes with 2.5s get full rides
Where hard work isnt working hard enough
A degree that can only get you so far
But this defines who we are

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