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Gerald OLoughlin

He is to decide whether allegations related to the governance

of the Central Bank can be investigated. He argued that the role
played by the bank in financing the latest state building program
meant that were the government to instigate an investigation
against its main creditor, an institution that has been accused of
being in the pocket of the present Minister of Finance, it could
create a unpredictable and dangerous situation in Ireland at a time
of global uncertainty.
According to the Taoiseach Enda Kenny a Dail committee of
investigation, made up of members of both chambers, would not
have a sufficient level of technical knowledge to put these
allegations to members of the bank. Kenny added that such an
approach would be unworkable and that other ways of insuring a
high standard of governance in the Central Bank are being

Dominic Ryan eyes World Cup glory

We believe we can give a serious account of ourselves in

England. Five times capped Ireland flanker Dominic Ryan is
determined to be part of an Irish squad that he believes are serious
contenders in the upcoming World Cup. We know that we can

Gerald OLoughlin
produce a performance against any team. If I am over there I will
be concentrated on doing what I know I can do, and if I do that, and
all of us do the that too, we will be in the mix.
Dominic Ryan made a big impact during the 2013 Autumn
Internationals when he debutised for the injured Stephen Ferris
against Samoa and Argentina. The former Gonzaga SC star brought
the same physicality and work rate that have become the young
forwards trademarks. The then Ireland manager Declan Kidney
marked out for special praise the players work in the lineout against
an experienced Argentinean pack which included such wily
operators and Juan Lobez and Paolo Zanzaretti.
A run of niggly injuries and poor form over the following year
saw present manger Joe Schmidt look past Ryan, to his club partner
and good friend Rhys Ruddock for the matchday squad. Over the
last six months

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