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Discussion Board Rubric

Levels of Achievement



Needs Improvement

Not Evident

Weight 40.00%

100 %
Develops an initial post
with an organized, clear
point of view or idea
using rich and
significant detail.

80 %
Develops and initial
post with a point of
view or idea using
adequate organization
and detail.

60 %
Develops an initial post
with a point of view or
idea but with some gaps in
organization or detail.

40 %
Does not develop an
initial post with an
organized point of view
or idea.

Weight 10.00%

100 %
Submits initial post by
due date at 11:59 p.m.

80 %
Submits initial post one
day late.

60 %
Submits initial post two
days late.

40 %
Submits initial post
three days late.

Weight 30.00%

100 %
Provides relevant and
meaningful response
posts with clarifying
explanation and detail.

80 %
Provides relevant
response posts with
some explanation and

60 %
Provides somewhat
relevant response posts
with a little explanation
and detail.

40 %
Provides somewhat
relevant response posts
that are generic with
very little explanation
or detail.

Weight 20.00%

100 %
Writes posts that are
easily understood.

80 %
Writes posts that are
mostly understood.

60 %
Writes posts that are

40 %
Writes posts that others
are not able to

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