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Artis-Hampton 1

Celena Artis- Hampton

Deby Jizi
UWRIT 1102-028
15 March 2016

Research Proposal

I am researching about how people live a holistic lifestyle. My inquiry question is

towards the benefits of living a holistic lifestyle. Does it bring happiness to peoples lives and
how? This question concludes the purpose to this project which is to find out more about a
holistic lifestyle.
After figuring out the purpose to this project, I thought of some ideas I could bring to the
table. One idea I brought to this project is that my subject has something to do with happiness
because holistic means taking apart of the whole body which includes mentally and physically. I
got this idea from my personal trainer because he is living and he portrays a holistic lifestyle. He
is the whole reason why I want to know more about it because hes always walking around with
a smile on his face and a pip in his step. After I brought this idea to the table, I kept on thinking
about before working on my working knowledge.
I was thinking that holistic lifestyle is something that you really want because not a lot of
people know about it. Mostly older people know about it, but most college students dont know

Artis-Hampton 2

anything about it. After reading some of the research articles, now I see that this topic can apply
to a lot of things like targeting college kids, middle aged people, and peoples happiness. It
turned into very broad subject when I started researching so I have to figure out how to narrow it
down. I will probably narrow it down to something relating to college students or focusing on
womens holistic lifestyle because I can relate to it more.

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