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Lindsay Smith

Mrs. Wertz-O
UWRT 1103-011
When I re-read my pitch, it was almost comical. The only thing that stayed the same from
my pitch to my final product was the mode of communication I chose. I wrote the pitch fully
expecting to stick to the first question I picked and go really in depth with it. I surprised myself,
because I didnt know my mind would actually start to wonder about other thing. I figured this
was just another project to get through, so just get through it. In a reality though, I ended up
getting very into it and questioned a lot as I researched.
My original question was what were some of the occurrences of heroism during the
holocaust, and who were these rescuers? In my head, my project was going to be this neat little
project about heroes of the holocaust, but I ended up going all over the place! I dug a little bit
into the Dutch Underground, and into some of the psychological and ethical issues regarding the
holocaust. I went from rescuers of the holocaust to the Dutch underground when I found that one
of the children that had been rescued was rescued through the Dutch underground. I went from
the Dutch underground to ethics of the holocaust, when I found out about a famous experiment
by Stanley Milgram that was downright fascinating to learn about. It was all extremely
interesting, and as my question kept changing, I had to keep transitioning and learned how to do
so smoothly and not abruptly.

One thing in particular I wish I had done better, was to add more pictures and other
elements to make my prezi multimodal. I really only added about 4 or 5, and the rest was all
words. If I could go back to the development process, I would be sure to make notes of where I
could have fit more pictures or maybe even videos in my project.
Something I notice about my pitch as I look at it with more experienced eyes, is how
short it is. I didnt really know where everything was going to end up going, but now that I do, I
think my pitch should have been at least a full two pages. Also, I wouldve left room in my
planning for the question to change. I was so sure I was only going to be talking about rescuers
of the holocaust that I didnt pencil in any opportunity for broader research. That research ended
up being not as thorough as I would have liked, because I wasnt anticipating needing it.
As much as aspects of my project were quite different than my pitch, there were elements
that went as predicted. The larger part of my research and presentation was in regards to rescuers
of the holocaust and their stories. Although, this wasnt the sole topic of my research, it did tend
to be the main one, and all of the questions I later thought of, sprang from this original topic.
Overall, my final product differed greatly than what I had had in mind when I was writing
the pitch. I had planned a straight line of one topic, but ended up with more a tree branch with
limbs sprouting out in places I hadnt originally anticipated. The mode of communication stayed
the same; however, looking at it now, I wish I had incorporated more elements to make it

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