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well there are couple of things you can check and then make sure if your webi re

ports are running fast ...

1. Check Harddrive has enough space or is it lacking space
2 . maybe theres alot of load on 1 server try addin another server
3. is your CMS database in another system and your BO client in another system a
nd both the system are making fast connectivity ( ping them )
4. what patch level are you on?
5 . we noticed such delays in presence of some antivirus software, by declaring
as safe the webi rich client the performance improved dramatically
6. You should also check the following:
is universe specific?
how does behave with sample universes?
is user specific?
what happens with the administrator account?
check where the load is, client or server?
7. try reinstall the client tool however the messages in the trace logs point to
some security issue preventing the client server dialog...
8. Network response for Ping
9.Task manager - anyother programs shows higher load except bOBJ process.
10. What about Smaple reports, how long do they take to load?
11. is CMS and Database are on same system ? what is the response time ?

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