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Anthony Schreuders

1. Twin studies show it can be very half and half. Half nature
because their core personalities, disorders, and their intellect all
is traced to their heredity. It is also half nurture; however,
because the way they look and act and how they behave is
shaped through their environment not genetics.
2. Self is defined as the discovery of who are as people through
interaction with others. Judgment and perception all relate to
how we view ourselves and how we discover ourselves. The three
phrases are how other individuals perceive us. Secondly is how
we think others perceive us. Third is how we see our selves
through others opinions.
3. The dramaturgical approach is how we interact with people and
how our surroundings affect interactions. The front stage is
setting a good impression while the back stage is how you truly
act when other individuals are not present.
4. School supposedly teaches the youth about self-image, how
society functions on a social level, and high education could
potentially open doors to professions. Technology has made the
youth have a lack of social skills. Often kids dont know what to
talk about in a real social setting because social media has made
them self indulgent and self focused while trying to get others to
pay attention to them, rather than learning about other
personalities and building true relationships.
5. Total institutions are places that are closed off from society while
people spend time together in an enclosed space. It is also a
place for people who are afraid of the outside world to be taken
care of while they develop their life and careers.

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