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ann2016 General Knouledge SET 5 for RRB | Aljobinfo 5th SET of General Knowledge question that i had been uploading everyday. 1. National Journalism Day is observed on which day every year? - 17 November 2. 17th Asian Games were held at- Incheon 3, Rupay card is used by which type of banks? - All scheduled commercial banks 4. India's first Kisan Mandi is to be set up in — Delhi 5, Jan Dhan yojna additional insurance coverage is provided by which organization? - HDFC 6. Who is the author of Half girlfriend? - Chetan Bhagat 7, State with lowest population, according to census 2011? - Sikkim 8, Rohan Bopanna related to which sport ? - Tennis 9. The source of Swastika symbol — Indus Valley 10. The blood which leaves the liver and moves to the heart has a higher concentration of - Bile Pigments 11. Which imaginary line, located at zero degrees latitude,divides the earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres? - Equator 12. Name the 3rd anti-submarine warfare (ASW) corvette which was launched in Kolkata? - Kiltan 13. Who was the first Indian to receive a Nobel Prize? - Rabindranath Tagore 14. What type of reaction is carried out by the lipase in the digestion of fats ? - Hydrolysis 15. Who launched its much awiaited Mi 4i smartphone in India at Rs 12,999 in April 2015? - Xiaomi 16. Whichcompounds was responsible for the epidemic form of disease called ‘Minamata Disease’ ? - A mercury compound 17. Who spread Aryan religion in South India ~ Agasthya 18. When was the Nobel Prize for literature instituted? - 1969 19. The idea of a Contituent Assembly to fram a Constitution of India was first mooted by? - MN Roy in 1927 20. Fianchetto is a strategy in the game of ? - Chess 21. range of Agni VI Missile? - 6000Km 22. INI’ extension refers usually to what kind of file? - System file 23. Solar-B satellite to study the sun has been launched by - Japan 24. The International Conference on “Global Environment Issues” organised by the National Green Tribunal was inaugurated by ? - Mohammad Hamid Ansari 25. if a cloth is coated with a resin then the anale of contact between the cloth and water - Increases 26. The word used by Ashoka to denote Buddha — Bhagavati 27. Who among the following wrote the poem Subh - e - Azadi ? - Faiz Ahmed Faiz 28. Which vitamin is considered to be a para - thormone 29, What is the source of electric eneray in an artificial satellite? - Solar cells 30. Who translated the Autobiography of Madam Cure in Hindi ? - Lal Bahadur Shastri 31. Famous poetess of the Sangham period — Awaiyar 32. What is Rajratan? - Ship 33. The mass of water vapour per unit volume of air is known as ? - Absolute humidity hip debi comfeanardgona- knows 12 ar0%6 General Krome SET Sr RRB Abi 34. Manav Seva Award has been instituted in the memory of - Rajiv Gandhi 35. Which awards was conferred on Mrs. Kiran Bedi? - Magsaysay 36. Who invented Gunpowder? - Roger Bacon 37. The vitamin which is generally excreted by human in urine is ? - Vitamin - C 38. Three daughters of ‘Mara’ — lust, emotion and desire 39. Threat of global warming’ is increasing due to increasing concentration of which gas? -Carbon dioxide 40. Who among the following has received both Bharat Ratna and Nishan -e -Pakistan? - Moraji Desai 41. Which Movement was launched along with the Khilafat Movement? - Non-cooperation Movement 42. In which district of Uttar Pradesh has solar energy plant been started? - Aligarh 43, Which of the following diseases is caused by the consumption of nitrate contaminated food and water? - Blue baby syndrome 44, 20th August is celebrated as - Sadbhavana Divas 45, The centenary of Mahatma Gandhi's arrival in South Africa was celebrated in - May 1993. 46. Who had an explosive idea and first patented DYNAMITE? - A. Nobel 47. Study of life in outer space is - Exobiology 48, Who is the English physicist responsible for the 'Big Bang Theory’? - George Gamow 49, God who was considered as God of Gods ~ Varuna 50. The medulla oblongata is a part of human ? - Brain hnipsalobinfo com/contentigeneral-knowledgo-setS-rb

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