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Reaction Paper for Aztlan Travel Agency Article

Carmen Rejn Gmez

Spanish 435 01
Dr. Domnguez
March 07, 2016

Aztlan Travel Agency is an article that give tourists travel tips and warnings for
visiting the United States. There is no specific author, but the Travel Agency itself seems
to be fabricated. The article clarifies that the United States should not be confused with
America, which is the whole continent of land. The article begins discussing language,
ancestry, age as a nation, poverty, nutrition and crime amongst other things. The article
then goes into more detail describing names, greetings, meals, and other miscellaneous
items the agency deems worthy of discussing. The agency explains that the population
shares about 1,700 last names, which dont leave much room for individualism. The
article states that Unitedstatians are loud people and impose optimism on other by saying
good morning and good evening. Lastly it talks about how Unitedstatians consume
3,700 calories a day and yet still are wasteful when it comes to food. The article then
discusses some of the behaviors Unitedstatians exhibit.
First, Unitedstatians think English is the official language of the United States. This is
simply not true. English is also a foreign language to the United States, the Native
Americans did not speak English, the Pilgrims brought their language with them when
they landed in the United States. The article mentions that the United States has Latin
printed on their currency and that Coast Guard and Marines have Latin mottos. English
is a second language in many homes across the United States.
Second, Unitedstatians waste many things. The article mentions the way
Unitedstatians waste food and space in their homes, but they also waste or misspend their
money. For example, instead of buying a car that gets them from point A to point B like a
car is intended to, they purchase a car for triple the money just because of the brand or
features. Are seat warmers or satellite television really necessary in a car?

Lastly, the age laws in United States are silly. You are considered an adult at 18 and
allowed to buy cigarettes. As an adult of 18 years of age you are required by law to
register for the Draft and can volunteer to join the armed forces and fight for the United
States. Yet, you are not considered old enough to buy a beer until you are 21.

All work must have a cover page with the title of the assignment, name of student, name
of professor spelled correctly, course and section and due date. Centered, of course. Title
page and subsequent work should have margins of 1, 1, 1 and 1 (left). Dont paginate.
Dont put your name on each page. Indent five spaces when starting a paragraph. Skip to
spaces after the period and before the start of the next sentence. Use Times New Roman,
font size 12. Double space all work except the title page.

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